The first digital stamp in the history of Chinese Post-Jiachen JiachenThe starting ceremony of the year digital stamps was held on Thursday (January 18) in Digital Port in Hong Kong.

According to Xinhua News Agency, this digital stamp is the first digital encrypted stamp issued by China Post in public blockchain. The stamp pattern is issued by China Post on January 5, 2024.The pattern is a prototype design.

This event releases a total of five combination suits composed of different physical products and Jiachen digital encrypted stamps, with a limited edition of 10,000 copies.

The real part is the small full -blocrastin of Jiachen's zodiac signs, as well as four foot gold sets such as the New Year's stamps, Nafu stamp funds, Ruyi stamps, and Xiangrui Stamps.Among them, the small full range of Zodiac stamps of Jiachen was jointly issued by China Post, Hong Kong Post, and Macau Post and Telecommunications.

Four foot gold sets use Jiachen year stamp pattern, and printed the only blockchain contract address of the digital stamps of Jiachen Nian on the golden object.At the same time, this digital stamp provides personalized services for philatelic enthusiasts, engraving personalized information on the blockchain, such as the name, birthday or gift message of the collection of collectors.

This digital stamp is issued by China Post Hong Kong Co., Ltd. and Jinyin Yinzhang (Hong Kong) Fintech Co., Ltd. and the Beijing Longyuan Traditional Cultural Exchange Promotion Center.