Mainland Chinese students studying in Hong Kong were deceived more than 8 million yuan (Hong Kong dollars, the same below, about 1.37 million yuan) in just two months last year.In order to protect the Hong Kong drifting people, the Hong Kong police launched the "Hong Kong Drifting" plan last year to promote anti -fraud information.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Radio and Sing Tao Daily reported that Xiao Zeyi, Director of the Hong Kong Police Department Xiao Zeyi, Saturday (January 20), said at the planned gift event that about 30,000 Mainland China was born in Hong Kong.In the college, one of the universities in October and November last year, 15 cases involving students involved in mainland China had occurred, of which 11 were more than 8 million yuan due to electricity fraud.

It is reported that 19 -year -old Hong Kong drift students received fraud calls from mainland Chinese officials and were told that they were involved in the transnational money laundering case and were eventually cheated about 2 million yuan. LaterI felt guilty when I committed the crime, but I jumped off the building lightly.

The New Territories South General Region Prevention Office launched the "Hong Kong Drifting" plan last year to collaborate with the science and technology park, the medical management bureau, and the railway near the university, and contact the society related to the living of the people in Hong Kong.People from all walks of life pass out the message of anti -fraud to increase the awareness of Hong Kong drifting and fraud.The plan is to study or work in mainland China to Hong Kong, but is a person who has not lived for seven years.

The Hong Kong police pointed out that Hong Kong drift students do not know that public security will not enforce law cross -border, and it is easy to fall into the case of counterfeit public security fraud.The time was short. Even if the police arrested the scammer, the victim had returned to mainland China during the interrogation and could not cooperate with the prosecution procedure.

Hong Kong police said that most of mainland Chinese students arrived in Hong Kong from July to October to start school.Discuss the "Yingbao Bag" in the college to provide anti -fraudulent information.