The Finance Committee of the Hong Kong Legislative Council passed the SAR Government's application to open a new borne of 2.286 million yuan (Hong Kong dollars, the same below, about 392 million yuan), which is used as a new baby reward.

Li Jiachao, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, pointed out in the 2023 Policy Report that the newborn babies will encourage the citizens to have birth.20,000 yuan, planning for three years.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency and the Hong Kong 01 website reported that Zhuo Yongxing, deputy director of the Hong Kong Department of Administration, said on Friday (January 19) in the Finance Committee that Hong Kong's fertility rate is the lowest in the world, none of them.In 2023, each Hong Kong woman gave birth to 0.8 babies, lowering in South Korea, Singapore and mainland China. It is expected that the relevant plans to create a favorable childbirth environment will make the Hong Kong population endless and maintain productivity, competitiveness, urban motivation and vitality.

Ye Liu Shuyi, a member of the Legislative Council, paid attention to whether the Hong Kong people gave birth to a baby on the way to return to Hong Kong in foreign countries.Zhuo Yongxing said that although newborn babies must be born in Hong Kong as one of the application conditions, he has the right to approve the reward. Once he receives relevant cases, he will try to handle it as loose as possible.

Some members believe that the year of the dragon is approaching, and the birth rate of the past year of the dragon is high. At this time, it is a suitable time to launch a new baby babies reward plan, but it is enough to pay attention to the government's appropriation.

Zhuo Yongxing responded, estimated that from 2024 to 25 years, the birth population in Hong Kong will increase by 20%from 2022. It is believed that funding is sufficient to cope with needs.The official amount reserves more than 300 million yuan in 2024, and there will be surplus with the current birth rate.If the funding is not enough, the government is also very happy to apply to the Finance Committee for adding funds.

Di Zhiyuan, a member of the Legislative Council of the Social Welfare Circle, received an opposition vote against allocating funds. He questioned the effectiveness of the 20,000 yuan award on encouraging fertility. In the case of government financial difficulties, he "generously" launched rewards for rewardsGold, and this amount is equal to the reduction of the social blessing about 11 years of expenses.

Zhuo Yongxing said that the government can reverse the citizens' ideas for fertility by not only 20,000 yuan, so it has launched a series of measures to encourage fertility in a "combination boxing" manner.It does not mean that any expenses should not be available.