The incidents of the Hong Kong Art Development Bureau withdrawn from the Hong Kong Opera Association continued to ferment. Hong Kong Cultural and Sports and Tourism Director Yang Runxiong supported and identified the decision of the Art Development Bureau.

According to a press release issued by the Hong Kong Government News Network on Friday (January 19), Yang Runxiong said that the Hong Kong Art Development Bureau ensures that the public is used for it, and it will only support and support the appropriate art project.As a matter of granted, it also meets the requirements and expectations of the SAR Government for the Yigong Bureau.

Yang Runxiong said, whether the cultural and artistic activities are supported by the public, whether it is the problem of whether the resources are used, it is by no means restricting creation.In response to the decision of the Yifa Bureau, it will affect or even stifle the creative space. The Hong Kong government believes that the statement "is actually inverted and confusing audiovisual, and the government does not agree."

Yang Runxiong said that the Hong Kong government has firmly supported all government funding agencies to perform their duties. While promoting the development and creation of culture and art, it is appropriate to ensure that public and public resources are used.

The Hong Kong Stage Drama Awards hosted by the Hong Kong Drama Association has been funded by the Yifa Bureau in the past.However, the Yifa Bureau suddenly announced on Thursday (January 18) that the appropriation of the awards ceremony was no longer funded."Including inviting the current affairs cartoonist of the Hong Kong government," Zunzi "and the former anchor of Hong Kong Radio Cai Yuling as the guest of the award.

Huo Qigang, chairman of the Hong Kong Art Development Bureau, even said that the awards ceremony last year "something happened" has attracted much attention and must be faced.

This decision was described by the Hong Kong Drama Association as "taboos and deep words", which harmed the dignity of the industry, and asked the Art Development Bureau to clarify and recover the allegations.

Di Zhiyuan, a member of the Hong Kong New Writers Legislative Council, also criticized that if the guests are "withdrawn" because the guests are involved in political sensitivity, they are the act of political overrun.Still Hong Kong's cultural creation space.