After the Hong Kong Art Development Agency has suspended the reputation of Hong Kong as the suspension of the stage drama awards hosted by the Drama Association, the allegations of the Anti -Corresponding Art Development Bureau of the Drama Association were unreasonable and taboo, which harmed the dignity of the industry and called on the official official.Take it back to decide.

The Hong Kong Stage Drama Awards hosted by the Hong Kong Drama Association has been funded by the Yifa Bureau in the past.However, the Yifa Bureau suddenly announced on Thursday (January 18) that the appropriation of the awards ceremony was no longer funded."Including inviting the current affairs cartoonist of the Hong Kong government," Zunzi "and the former anchor of Hong Kong Radio Cai Yuling as the guest of the award.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that Feng Lude, president of the Hong Kong Drama Association, held a press conference on Friday (January 19) to refute the allegations proposed by the Yiji Bureau.He described the allegations of the Yibao Bureau "taboo is deep, flashed his words", and damaged the dignity of the industry. "We have a reputation, we have dignity, and we can't say what you like".Essence

Feng Lude said that based on the foundation of the trust of the two parties, the Yifa Bureau has never asked the Drama Association to submit a plan for the awards ceremony in advance.Essence

In response to the theme of the Art Development Bureau's allegations, Feng Lude said that the theme of each awards ceremony will set the theme, and the awards ceremony has not deviated from the previous approach.The themes set in the past include "a fire", "reunion", and "courage", which contain the meaning of inspiration and persuasion, indicating that Hong Kong's unity, hope and future.

As for the host of the ceremony, the host was accused of "Red Bridge" and "Red Line" as the topic.May clearly indicate what the boundary is.The Drama Association asked "what is our red line and what is illegal" in public in public, but they have not received a response.The host of the awards ceremony is an artist, but they can only express their hearts and requirements euphemistically, "how painful it is."

Feng Lude said that the original intention of holding awards ceremony was to hope that the industry would continue to make excellent drama works, tell the story of Hong Kong, and fully meet the expectations of the Hong Kong government and Hong Kong chief executives.If you look at this whole thing with prejudice, "when the glasses you wear are colored, you have color."

Feng Lude asked the Yifa Bureau to clarify the relationship between the reasoning of the decision and the reputation of the award ceremony damage bureau.He said that after receiving the complaint, the Yifa Bureau did not verify the decision to suspend funding to the Drama Association, and did not give the opportunity to justify.He asked the Yafai Bureau to take back the allegations and clarify the relevant procedures as soon as possible.