The Hong Kong government plans to complete 23 legislation of the Basic Law within the year.Lin Dingguo, the director of the Hong Kong Law Department, said on Saturday (January 20) that the relevant preparations are in full swing and will be able to complete and submit the Legislative Council for review as soon as possible.It is a "perfect storm" that the outside world believes that the number of cases involved in the Hong Kong National Security Law is also carried out at the same time. Lin Dingguo reiterated that this is the constitutional responsibility of Hong Kong.See the rainbow afterwards.

According to the Sing Tao Daily, Lin Dingguo said in a radio program that the method of 23 legislative consultation methods of the Basic Law must be announced before it can be announced.Human rights freedom.

Lin Dingguo said that the principle is to let the public understand the direction and ideas of the government. When collecting opinions, they are "not refused."As for whether a foreign chamber of commerce or consul will be met, Lin Dingguo said that the government will actively consult the opinions. For example, some groups pay attention to the law, or they will do more active collection opinions, but the government does not only pay attention to certain categories, and this is this, and this is the case, and this is the case, and this is the case, and this is the case, and this is the case.It is Hong Kong legislation and will consider the idea of ​​Hong Kong and citizens.

I was asked whether 23 will be aligned with the Hong Kong National Security Law, and the case is submitted to the mainland for review under certain conditions.Lin Dingguo said that Article 55 of the Hong Kong National Security Law states that in some cases, it is the "bottom" clause that can transfer the case to the mainland. In extreme cases, Hong Kong is unable to deal with it.The laws are listed in the law that it is only applicable to the state security cases stipulated in the law.

He also said that the citizens must see the content of each law. He is in the bail arrangement.The behavior of the behavior can be released, and this provision is suitable for "all" cases that endanger national security. Therefore, not only are limited to the Hong Kong National Security Law, but even criminal -related incitement crimes are suitable.

As for the practice of hiring overseas lawyers, Lin Dingguo reiterated that in the regulations of the legal practitioners revised last year, it has been stated that it has dealt with "all" cases that endanger national security.Go to the Chief Executive's Certificate, so these arrangements do not need to be handled in 23 legislation.

Lin Dingguo emphasized that the Hong Kong National Security Law is established by the state, and 23 articles are Hong Kong legislation, but the two need to be in line.But how to meet this principle in the 23rd content, it is necessary to think deeply.

I was asked if there would be any resistance to the society when the legislation would be worried about 23 legislation.Well, it will compete to the citizens.And how much room for modification after collecting opinions, he said it was difficult to say, depending on what comments, "it is useless to say to those who say it, they are still malicious."