Evergrande's debt crisis is suspended but faced with liquidation hearing next month, creditors have accelerated the private assets of the founder of Evergrande Xu Jiayin, including two mansion at the top of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong media "Hong Kong 01" reported on Wednesday (November 22) that Xu Jiayin's privately held two luxury homes on the top of the mountain top. The creditor has submitted a reception document to the official Hong Kong official on Tuesday (21st).During the expected day, you can officially take over rights.The market value of the two luxury homes exceeds 1.5 billion yuan (Hong Kong dollars, the same below, S $ 257 million).

It is reported that one of the two mansions that have been taken over this time is one of Xu Jiayin's ex -wife Ding Yumei in recent years.

Evergrande will refer to Ding Yumei in the announcement in August this year as "the third party independent of the company and its affiliates" instead of Xu Jiayin's spouse. Some Chinese media analyzed that they were "technical divorce".

Xu Jiayin bought the three housing houses No. 10, the top 10 of Hong Kong's mountain top, one of which was taken over by the debt agent last November last November. At that time, it was valued at 880 million yuan.

Reported that the receiver had commissioned an agent to sell the remaining luxury homes earlier this year, but did not reach the intention price.The takeover means that the three mountain -top mansions that Xu Jiayin have been taken over.

Xu Jiayin was taken by Chinese officials in September this year.Evergrande's liquidation was originally scheduled to be held at the end of October this year, but Evergrande applied for a three -month latter liquidation hearing, because it took time to adjust and discuss the amendment to the debt restructuring plan.

The Hong Kong judges will be rearried to the hearing until December 4, and it is clearly given "the last chance of the aftergen".Temporary liquidation.