Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said that the US sanctions on him will inevitably affect the communication and promotion activities between governments between the two places.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily reported that when the Li family super Tuesday (November 21) met with a reporter before attending the Executive Assembly, he said that he sneered at the United States "unreasonable and bullying sanctions" and believed that all responsibilities were all responsibilities.In the United States.

Li Jiachao said that the US sanctions on him must affect the communication and exchanges between the Hong Kong -US government, and to some extent affecting promotional activities.

He said that although Hong Kong is a fully open city and supports comprehensive cooperation and communication, any communication also requires the efforts of both parties.The responsibility lies in the other party. "

Li Jiachao said that he would try to promote the trade between Hong Kong and the United States and attract and promote trade business opportunities in Hong Kong and other regions.He said that Hong Kong is one of the areas where the United States has earned the largest trade surplus. For economic development and regional cooperation, it should take the initiative to act and promote good development.

Aiming at the Sino -US dollar meeting during the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit, Li Jiachao described the two people's meetings. I believe that inspiring information about Hong Kong and even the world.

Li Jiachao also mentioned that Chen Maobo, the director of the Financial Department, went to the United States to attend the APEC on behalf of the Hong Kong government to achieve the goal and achieve good results, including explaining the advantages and opportunities of Hong Kong to the world, establishing friendly relations, strengthening economic, trade and regional regionscooperate.

After the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law in 2020, the United States announced the sanction of Hong Kong and 11 officials in Hong Kong. Hong Kong officialDirector Deng Bingqiang and others.