Chen Maobo, director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, wrote on his blog that representatives participating in the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization generally believe that high interest rates will last for a long time, and the global economy will grow slowly in 2024 than this year.High risks.

Chen Maobo attended the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) Finance Secretary of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) earlier in San Francisco, and was appointed by the Chief Executive, on behalf of him to participate in an informal meeting of the Economic Organization Leaders.

Chen Maobo Sunday (November 19) said on the blog: "Participants generally believe that high interest rates will last for a long time, the global economy will grow slower in 2024 than this year, and the downward risk is higherThe long -term long -term is still weak, and many countries may need two to three years to return to the growth track before the epidemic.Not only is the political and economy of the two countries, it also affects the prosperity of the global economy.The members of the participating members were very concerned about the meeting between the leaders of the two countries during the meeting.

As for climate topics, Chen Maobo wrote that in recent years, extreme weather events have appeared in various places, and climate change challenges are imminent.However, the investment involving green transformation is very huge. It is estimated that the Asian region is estimated that it will need more than $ 66 trillion (S $ 8.8 trillion) in the next 30 years. The government's resources alone cannot meet the needs.

He said: "Therefore, how to introduce funds in the private market and develop related green technology industries to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of related investment, it is a topic that many APEC members are investigating."

Chen Maobo also said that in the past few decades, global economic integration. Although some advanced economies have developed rapidly, the gap between the rich and the poor has been expanding, which has laid a turbulent factors for society and made populism.Protectiveism, etc., obstructed international free trade and investment, and also exacerbated the risk of geopolitical conflicts.

He wrote: "In the meeting, many APEC members called on the world to return to the multilateral trading mechanism based on rules, and on the rapid development of digital economy and e -commerce, to make the rules, and to make rules, the rules made the rules.Update. In addition, when we are aware of the development of economic development, while making the cake bigger, we must also pay attention to the cakes so that the people can really share the results of economic development.Stable and prosperity.Protectiveism does not bring benefits to any economy. On the contrary, the economies are connected and cooperated with each other. Each of its strengths and their own needs is a stable and sustainable development model.