Liu Zhenhan, director of the Hong Kong Talent Services Office, said that housing is only a secondary issue for attracting talents. Talent is most concerned about local work opportunities and treatment in Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily reported on Monday (November 20) that Liu Zhenhan said in an exclusive interview with the newspaper that after the establishment of the Hong Kong Talent Service Office, the Hong Kong Government can adopt a more active role to grab talents and set up to set up and set upThere are special teams responsible for the Mainland, overseas and analysis of data.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao announced the establishment of a talent service office in the latest policy report in October this year. The office was officially established on October 30, and about 38 people were compiled.

Liu Zhenhan said that the Hong Kong government has begun to prepare and enable the Hong Kong talent service window website last year, but the website has limitations, and the Hong Kong government can only be in a passive role.Nowadays, after the establishment of the Talent Service Office, you can take a more active role. The Hong Kong Government can actively go to different places in the world to make face -to -face and humanized exchanges to attract different talents to develop in Hong Kong for a long time.

He mentioned that on the other hand, the office will assist the difficulties encountered by talents during the application period and after arriving in Hong Kong, and provide suggestions to help them integrate into Hong Kong from various aspects of clothing, food, housing, and transportation.Houses, work, study, etc.

The cost of housing in Hong Kong is high, but Liu Zhenhan believes that the cost of housing is one of the factors, but the talents are most concerned about work opportunities and treatment.A secondary.

Liu Zhenhan said that before coming to Hong Kong, the cost of living in Hong Kong has been considered. For example, people in second- and third -tier cities in mainland China have moved to work in Shanghai and Beijing, and the cost of living will be more expensive.Hong Kong is an international city, and they should have budgets.