Hong Kong's fertility rate has continued to decrease, and a latest survey shows that only one -third of the unprepared interviewees have a maternity plan.

According to the Sing Tao Daily, the Kowloon Women's Federation issued a questionnaire survey report on Tuesday (November 21) of the "2023 Political Report Report on Encouragemental Fertility Policy".

There were 734 respondents in this survey report, more than 60%of the age of 45, more than 70%of them, and only 10.1%indicated that they planned to continue to have birth.34.9%has a maternity plan.

More than half of the respondents believe that sending cash to the parents of newborn babies can be used, but only 22.4%of the attractive measures are considered to be attractive.More than 80 % of the respondents believe that the most affecting factors are the economy.In addition to economic factors, more than 70 % and more than 50 % of the respondents believe that the education of housing and children's education is the most affecting fertility.

Zheng Zhen, the forever honorary president of the Kowloon Women's Federation, believes that education is a major factor affecting fertility. Schools, families, and society must constitute a mechanism of coordination with each other.The Federation recommends the government to improve the education system, make the content of the curriculum more diversified, increase the student's way out, and recommend that the government establish a social culture that supports families and strengthen family education.

The Federation also recommends promoting "family friendly employment" measures, such as providing households with household holidays, increasing full -scale leave, and labor leave.Zheng Zhen said that this year's policy report has taken a big step in encouraging fertility policies, but the attractiveness of these measures is not enough to stimulate citizens to consider fertility.She pointed out that fertility is a complex issue. The federation research team believes that the government needs to consider multiple factors such as economy and education. The right medicine should be used to solve the fertility problem by the source, and the education is subtle to inspire people to give birth.