Kong Fusi, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Department of Science at the University of Hong Kong University of Medicine, said that coronary virus and influenza will turn turns. In December, it will enter the peak of the crown disease, and after the New Year of the lunar calendar, the winter flu is peak.

According to Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency, Kong Fushang said on the radio program on Saturday (November 18) that it is expected that it will last two to three months during the peak period.

Kong Fusong also noticed that the recent cases of crown disease have a rise. Some patients with severe illnesses need to stay in the deep treatment department. Most of them are elderly and long -term patients.

For this reason, he suggested that the elders and high -risk people inoc were vaccinated by the government purchased by the government to strengthen protection.

He also suggested that high -risk people can consider wearing a mask indoors, saying that if their bodies are hugging, they should do fast antigen test as soon as possible. The discern is influenza or coronary virus to reduce the chance of complications.