The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government will announce the guidelines for the supervision of the district parliament to perform their duties by the end of this year.

Mai Meijuan, director of the Hong Kong Civil Affairs and Youth Affairs Bureau, revealed the above information in an exclusive interview published by Sing Tao Daily (November 20).

The Hong Kong District Council election will be held on December 10th, and the new district councilor will perform their duties on January 1 next year.

Mai Meijuan said that before the new district councilor took office, the Hong Kong government will announce the guidance of performance supervision and have a negative behavior list.Others leave or enter the meeting, have no benefit declaration, etc., and require members to hold offices and hold consultations.

Mai Meijuan emphasized that the district council introduced the supervision mechanism of duties and strengthened the power of citizens. In the future, citizens can exercise voting rights and supervision rights.

As for whether the district members will be asked to hold a consultation meeting on the legislation of Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law, and collect the regional opinions, Mai Meijuan said that not only 23 articles, but also in many policy consultations related to the well -being of citizens.Opinions, including garbage fees, etc.

The Hong Kong Government will announce the list of 179 appointed members at the end of the year. For whether the appointment of the appointment of "pocket", Mai Meijuan reiterated that the principle of appointment is to use talents, patriots, and familiar areas.The appointed members must perform their duties. If anyone feels that it is difficult to open the area offices, or it is not too much time to put it in the region, then if he is suitable for him to serve as district councilors.

The Hong Kong Government's recent large -scale propaganda area was selected. Mai Meijuan introduced that about 50,000 leaflets have been distributed in multiple housing estates, and about 60,000 propaganda materials have also been displayed in the 18th district.In order to encourage young people to vote, in May this year, the Hong Kong Government has visited nearly a hundred schools to explain and improve regional governance plans and district selection information, and encourage young people to participate in regional construction through committees.