In recent years, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has actively retained civil servants, but 2.2%of civil servants resigned in the last fiscal year. As of the end of March this year, 18,000 civil servants were lacking.

Since Hong Kong's anti -repair examples in 2019, there have been many waves of immigration, many of them are civil servants.The documents submitted to the Legislative Council on Monday (November 20) on Monday (November 20) showed that the number of civil servants lost in 2022/23 was about 10,000 and 100. Retirement was the main reason for the departure of civil servants. About 5,800 retired, accounting for the actual realityThe amount of staff is about 3.3%; the number of resignations is nearly 4,000, and the resignation rate is 2.2%.

Before 2016/17, the number of resignation and resignation rate of Hong Kong civil servants per year was about 1,000 and 0.5%; to 2020/21, it gradually increased to 2000 people and 1%, and 2021/22 rose to a new high, there are any3734 people and 2.1 %.

In addition, 47 civil servants were dismissed by 47 civil servants in the year of 2022/23, or they were ruled by criminal criminal crimes. 26 were severely condemned additional money punishment, and 49 were condemned.

Files show that as of March 31 this year, civil servants have a compile of about 19,200 positions, and the actual amount is 174,000, which lacks a total of 18,000 people, accounting for nearly 10 % of the total number of positions.The actual amount of civil servants has fallen from 2019/20, and has fallen for three consecutive years.

As for the non -civil servant contract employees, the Hong Kong Government requested government employees to sign a statement on July 1, 2020 or after the non -public officer employed clauses to support the Basic Law, Loyalty to Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, dedicated their duties and the responsibility of the SAR government.The Hong Kong Government pointed out that 535 non -civil servants' contracts and part -time employees ignored, refused or refused to return the oath statement, and all relevant employees had left the government.The documents show that as of the end of June this year, the Hong Kong Government hired a total of 9,468 non -civil servants contract employees.

The Legislative Council held a meeting of civil servants and the employee affairs committee of funding agencies on Monday.Lin Jianfeng, a member of the business community, pointed out that Hong Kong will launch a number of large -scale plans such as the Metropolitan District in the future to ask whether the official needs to add more people.

Zhou Xiaosong, a member of the labor industry, pointed out that the Hong Kong government's speed of hiring civil servants cannot catch up with the speed of loss, and the vacancy rate of civil servants is getting higher and higher.The frontline employees have reported to the union's workload and pressure on work, and even work without compensation.

Zhou Xiaosong said: "In 2021, the gap is 14,000 people, 22 years to 17,000 people, and 18,000 people in 2023. What are the results of the long -term?Their workload is getting bigger and bigger. "

Yang He Beiyin, director of the Civil Service Bureau, acknowledged that the difference between the establishment of civil servants and the actual manpower is not ideal. The official recruitment has also asked the department to speed up the recruitment process and the elastic hiring non -civil servants.

Yang He Beiyin pointed out that about 40 % of the total resignation of civil servants who resigned during the probation period. It is estimated that the new generation of graduates resigned because they wanted to gain different experiences or try different workers.Officials will try their best to retain capable young people, such as strengthening training, including arranging in mainland China to participate in national conditions training during the probation period.

Dr. Chen Xiaofeng, Secretary -General of the Hong Kong Law Exchange Foundation, pointed out in the Lianhe Morning Post that the resignation rate of civil servants in recent years is high. First, it is related to the immigration tide that has occurred in Hong Kong in the past.In addition, the Hong Kong Government requires civil servants to swore loyalty and strengthen administrative leadership, and some people are not suitable for continuing to serve as civil servants.

Chen Xiaofeng believes that the resignation and employment of civil servants are normal metabolism and do not have to pay too much attention and interpretation.Compared with the introduction of measures to retain civil servants, the most important task of the Hong Kong Government is to improve the ability of civil servants to perform their duties and build a civil servant team that meets the requirements of the Basic Law.