A survey shows that Hong Kong citizens usually plan to retire from the age of 37, and it is expected that an average of 7.6 million Hong Kong dollars (the same, about 1.3 million yuan) can maintain the living standard before retirement.

According to the Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency on Tuesday (November 21), the Hong Kong Investment Fund Association conducted a retirement survey at the end of August to September this year.Hong Kong residents of the Gold (Hong Kong Retirement Protection Plan), as well as 80 Hong Kong residents who are 65 years old and have retired.

The results show that young people in Hong Kong today start planning retirement earlier, and they start to reserve pensions at about 37 years old. It is expected that the retirement age is about 61 years old.The survey also shows that the average of HK $ 7.6 million is expected to maintain the living standard before retirement.

This means that Hong Kong citizens will earn 7.6 million Hong Kong dollars in 24 years, with an average of HK $ 316,000 per year.As for the high -income interviewees, the estimated amount required is higher, and it is expected to need up to HK $ 10.88 million.

Cao Weibang, co -chairman of the Pension Committee of the Hong Kong Investment Fund Association, said that the survey results showed that the respondents believed that the amount required for retirement was HK $ 5 million to HK $ 6 million from a few years ago.It is related to the current high inflation, extensive life expectancy, and the planning to be younger for retirement.As for the high living standards of high -income people, naturally require a higher amount to maintain a retired life.

The survey also found that the average of the respondents is expected to maintain a retirement of only 17 years. Compared with the average life expectancy of Hong Kong's average expected 85 -year -old, there is a gap of about seven years.

Cao Weibang admits that if the citizens find their existing assets and insufficient support to support the life after retirement, one of the feasible suggestions is to delay retirement or adjust the life model.Because compared to entering the workplace a few years after retirement, it will be less difficult to delay retirement.