Zhuang Zixiong, chairman of the Hong Kong Industry Federation, said that he hopes that the United States can cancel unreasonable tariffs on China, because unreasonable tariffs not only exacerbate domestic inflation in the United States, but also affect the Hong Kong industry.

According to the Hong Kong News Agency, Zhuang Zixiong said in a speech at the Hong Kong Industry Federation awarding the 2023 Outstanding Industrial Family Award and the Hong Kong Youth Industrial Award at the Hong Kong Industry Federation on Friday (November 17).In the next few years, Hong Kong will definitely need more innovation and new industrial talents, and the Industrial Family Awards aims to discover and praise talents and enrich the talent pool in Hong Kong.

For the recent recovery of Sino -US relations, Zhuang Zixiong said in an interview that he was still studying and observing the US policy, and hoped that the United States would cancel unreasonable tariffs on China.

Zhuang Zixiong pointed out that China's industrial chain and supply chain are very reliable.Although the cost of mainland Chinese workers is higher than Southeast Asia, the efficiency is also second to none.He takes his factory in the Philippines as an example that the cost of producing and exporting to the United States in the Philippines is 8%more expensive than in mainland China. Therefore, the United States cancels unreasonable tariffs on China, which is beneficial to both parties.

The last President of the United States Trump believes that China has the technical behavior of intellectual property theft and mandatory transfer.Regulations) launched tariffs on relevant Chinese products in 2018 and 2019.

The Bayeng government has retained tariffs on Chinese goods for more than two years. It is currently evaluating the effectiveness of tariffs to decide whether to continue to implement.