The Chinese University of Hong Kong has held a graduation ceremony for three days from Thursday (November 9).Two Chinese college students held a card after the ceremony held on Thursday morning, and was taken away.

According to the "Sing Tao Headline" in Hong Kong, the principal of the University of CUHK Duan Chongzhi was hosted by the executive vice president Chen Jinliang due to the absence of the event on Thursday morning.This is the first time that Duan Chongzhi has been absent from graduation ceremony since he became the principal.

After the ceremony was over, the two college students raised the scene at the scene and wrote "I hope it will be the University in the future" (I hope the future of the University in the future)."(If the University is gone ... it is no longer a Chinese University), the black cards are invited to write a speech.

One of them said that the purpose of this move is to make students reflect on the identity of the identity of the "adults".Establishing 'adults in the middle. "He emphasized that he would take care of the order on the spot and for the time being to worry about facing the school's punishment.

Soon after, the security guard stepped forward to ask the two people's motivation and identity, and brought the two students to the parking lot to ask questions.Students and reporters.After the security guard, he took two students to one exit to leave.