The Hong Kong media publication stated that two American journalists who have been stationed in Hong Kong disclosed in the new book that the former Hong Kong secretary -general Huang Zhifeng had sought to enter the US consulate in Hong Kong and Macao or leave Hong Kong before passing through the National Security Law of Hong Kong.Beauty to seek political asylum.The book also mentioned that the United States has even considered secrets to bring Huang Zhifeng away from Hong Kong.

The signature article was published on Wednesday (November 8th), saying that the Washington Post and Atlantic magazine reporter Shibani Mahtani and Timothy McLAUGHLIN (Shibani Mahtani) and Atlantic magazine reporters who have been stationed in Hong Kong and the Atlantic magazine.Among the Braves (translated, among the brave) revealed that Huang Zhifeng seemed to seek US political asylum before and after the Hong Kong National Security Law.

The article states that the most dramatic scene mentioned in the book is that in the morning of the Hong Kong National Security Law, Huang Zhifeng had hoped to enter the US Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macao, but the US Consulate only allowed Huang Zhifeng to stay in NoneOffice in St. John Building in Foreign Right.The Hong Kong National Security Law passed on the afternoon of June 30, 2020, and took effect at 11 pm.

The book mentioned that when Huang Zhifeng met with American diplomats at the time, "I don't want to go ... I want to enter the US consulate.")

The book also said that the then US Secretary of State Pompeo summoned the staff to discuss Huang Zhifeng's case within 48 hours.However, Huang Zhifeng's option to enter the US consulate immediately, because under the wrestling of China and the United States, the United States was ready to close the Chinese consulate in the Chinese Houston.US laws cannot apply for political asylum outside the United States.

The book also means that the United States has considered secretly bringing Huang Zhifeng away from Hong Kong, but based on the geographical environment of Hong Kong, he can only go to the Taiwan Strait or South Fat in the Philippines through the waterway;Orthodox may become an international incident, so he stopped.

Ming Pao's article stated that many channel sources confirmed that the above statement is true.

A spokesman for the U.S. State Department responded to the author inquiries that based on privacy, it was impossible to comment on the inquiries of individual people.The spokesman reiterated that the United States supports remarks, rally and association freedoms that are guaranteed by the Sino -British statement and the guarantee of the Basic Law.