Chen Guoji, director of the Hong Kong Department of Government Affairs, said that the candidates for the review of the district council must "listen to their words, watch their behavior", and strictly check to ensure that all candidates meet the requirements of "supporting the Basic Law and Loyal Zone".

Chen Guoji made the above statements in an exclusive interview published on Monday (November 6) in an exclusive interview.

He said that in the 2019 District Council, there are some non -patriots' actions, words and deeds, all of which are destroyed Hong Kong and national security.These random port behaviors destroy the overall development of Hong Kong.

Chen Guoji pointed out that reshaping the district council, to ensure that a firm patriot is eligible to run, exclude all chaos and foreign agents.

The new district council election will be held on December 10th, and the nomination period will end on October 30. A total of 399 nomination forms are received., Professional new face.This is the first large -scale election after Hong Kong's improvement of regional governance system.

Chen Guoji said that next, the District Council Qualification Examination Committee, which he is chairman, will complete the qualification review work as soon as possible to confirm whether the candidate is a firm patriot and announce it in a timely manner.And to judge who is the "patriot", Chen Guoji believes that "listening to his words and observing his behavior". If it was an anti -China -China chaos and suddenly changed his position, you need to observe for a longer period of time.He has completely changed from new.

In terms of regional governance structure, Chen Guoji said that in addition to reshaping the district council, the Hong Kong Government has further improved the regional governance system and established the regional governance led by the director and deputy director of the government affairs department.Leading committees and regional governance groups, comprehensively strengthening high -level leadership and overall strategies for regional work, and coordinating relevant policy bureaus and departments to effectively promote the implementation of policies and measures in various regions.

Chen Guoji introduced that the leadership committee and the special group allowed the Hong Kong government to keep up with regional pulse and grasp the people's conditions to ensure that the implementation of policies and measures was in place, reaching "upside down and down", and at the same time, "the ups and downs of the affair reached up to the ups and downs."".He revealed that the next meeting of the Regional Governance Leading Committee will be held in January next year, and the results of regional governance policies will be reviewed.