The former Vice Director of the Swiss Bank of Hong Kong acknowledged the loss of public funds and money laundering, and was sentenced to seven years of imprisonment.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that 42 -year -old former UBS deputy director Lin Zhongyao abused his powers in 2020 and transferred the company's compensation to the customer to the household registration he used to use aliases.The public funds of nearly HK $ 15 million (the same below, about S $ 2.6 million), and then use different accounts to clean the money nearly 11 million Hong Kong dollars.

Lin Zhongyao acknowledged two thefts and two money laundering crimes in the Hong Kong High Court on Tuesday (November 7).

According to the case, UBS implemented a compensation plan in early 2020. The defendant Lin Zhongyao was the director of the project.Due to the difference in accounts, UBS conducted internal investigations in November 2020 and found that at least 46 funds were transferred to non -UBS customers from March to October of the same year.Among them, 20 funds come from the UBS Hong Kong Branch, with 837,000 US dollars (Same as S $ 11.336 million); the other 26 funds come from UBS Singapore Branch with 1.03 million US dollars.

Lin Zhongyao once changed its name twice and opened a bank account with these names. Among them, the five strokes were transferred to the household registration of these names. Lin Zhongyao later changed to the original name.Other funds are transferred to the hukou of other shops as the cost of buying brand -name handbags and watches.Lin Zhongyao also placed 32 famous watches, worth 8.73 million Hong Kong dollars.

In addition, Lin Zhongyao used the above three hukou to clean up about 10.77 million Hong Kong dollars of black money.Lin Zhongyao was arrested at the airport on December 3, 2020.

The defense lawyer said that Lin Zhongyao served as a deputy director in UBS. The nature of his work was similar to a business manager.Although he was arrested at the airport, the lawyer said that Lin Zhongyao was not going to escape from Hong Kong at that time.

When the judge You Takkang sentenced to sentence, this case involved serious violations of integrity. Lin Zhongyao carefully planned, renamed account opening several times, used the stolen money to purchase famous tables and handbags, and then used different hukou to clean the stolen money.His wife and dogs enjoy theft.

After the judge You Takkang's sutra, he gave a three -point confession and one confession for two crimes and two crimes of money laundering.