Chen Maobo, director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, said that due to the actual recovery of the Hong Kong economy in the first three seasons, the annual growth forecast will be lower than the estimation at the beginning of the year.

According to the Sing Tao Daily, Chen Maobo published a blog on Sunday (November 5) that the overall economy of the peripherals and the continued high ends of interest restricting Hong Kong consumption rebound.Economic growth is 4.1%, which is inferior to expected.

Chen Maobo said that it is expected that in the fourth quarter, visiting Hong Kong tourism and private consumption will still be the main driving force for economic growth. The continuous improvement of residential income, coupled with various government support measures, will bring consumption to consumption.Definitely support.

Chen Maobo emphasized that in the future, we must continue to enhance Hong Kong's competitiveness and increase economic motivation through scientific and technological innovation and application.