Yu Weiwen, president of the Hong Kong Financial Administration, hopes that the International Financial Leadership Summit will consolidate global financial leaders and show the advantages of Hong Kong. In the long run, it attracts more funds to enter the Hong Kong market.

According to the Hong Kong News Agency, Hong Kong will hold an international financial leader investment summit on November 7th and 8th. It is expected that as many as 300 leaders in the world's top financial institutions will attend the meeting.

The International Financial Leaders Investment Summit has entered the second session this year. Last year, the summit coincided with Hong Kong's No. 8 Windball. There were still more than 200 heads of financial institutions attending, causing great response.The scale of this year's summit has expanded significantly. According to the summit schedule disclosed by the Financial Management Bureau, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Blackstone, Citiboli Group and other heavyweight financial institutions will be sent to the chairman or executive chief executives to participate in discussions in different links.Essence

Yu Weiwen said that the summit reacted the ideal last year. This year's "admission ticket" is a hard -to -find. At present, there is still a long list of waiting list.

He said that this year's financial summit will be held, hoping to achieve one purpose, that is, financial leaders can go to Hong Kong in person to experience Hong Kong's vitality and opportunities.He hopes that the summit will further consolidate investor confidence and will not rule out the constantization of the summit.

Yu Weiwen said: "They come to understand the increase, whether to invest in the future, and whether the funds come in, but at least he has consolidated the trust and confidence in our Hong Kong as a platform (of).Under the seeds, their funds will come.

According to the summit schedule, a welcome dinner will be held on Monday (6th). From the 7th to 8th, the main summit and seminar will be held.The institutions participating in the summit will cover various financial sectors such as banking, securities, asset management, sovereign wealth funds, private equity and venture capital, hedge funds and insurance companies.