Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council of China said that the central government supports Hong Kong in Hong Kong.Maintain international characteristics, give full play to the financial center's financial channels, actively participate in regional cooperation, strengthen business exchanges with the global financial industry, open up markets such as the Asian Dena (ASEAN) and the Middle East, and further expand the circle of friends.

Comprehensive Ming Daily Star Island Daily and Hong Kong Radio reported that the Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council of the State Council of the State Council, He Lifeng, made on Tuesday (November 7) at the International Financial Leader Investment Summit held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Hong Kong.At the time, make the above expression.

He Lifeng pointed out that the international financial center is the gold lacquer signboard of Hong Kong, has the independent advantage of Unicom International, has independent contributions to the development of the country. It is a test field for China to open up and an important base of RMB.

He mentioned that China is the second largest economy in the world, with the highest economic increase in the world. Therefore, China's development itself has a global significance.Since the beginning of this year, China's economic operation has been better. It is expected that the expected economic growth goals will be achieved throughout the year, which will definitely inject new positive energy into the global economic recovery.

He Lifeng said that Hong Kong has always been an important bridge and bond connecting mainland China and around the world.The construction and further development and expansion of their own strength in participating in national development and modernization.

He mentioned that last year, Hong Kong successfully held the first international financial leader investment summit, attracting more than 200 elites in the world's financial industry to gather together to prove and highlight the special status and significant advantages of the Hong Kong International Financial Center.It is good for expected good results.

He Lifeng said that the current unscrupulous changes in the world are accelerating the evolution. How to adapt to complex environments and find opportunities for development from it is a major issue in front of everyone.The theme of this summit has strong pertinence and practical significance with the current situation with the concerns of all parties.

He pointed out that the Hong Kong International Financial Leadership Summit is an important platform for the charm of China and Hong Kong to the international community. It is also an important opportunity for international financial institutions and investors to understand the Hong Kong and mainland markets.

He Lifeng said that the central government's high affirmation of the status of the Hong Kong international financial center has also gained a new leap in the new situation of high -quality development in Hong Kong.The Hong Kong International Financial Center has continued to reach new levels.