Hong Kong held an international financial leader investment summit this week, including Wall Street heavyweights, including David Solomon, CEO of Goldman Sachs, and James Gorman, CEO of Morgan Stanley.

According to Bloomberg, the Hong Kong HKMA will hold an international financial leader investment summit for the second consecutive year.After the implementation of the crown disease prevention and control measures and the political climate have become severe, Hong Kong founded the summit in 2022 to revive confidence.This year's summit will be held on Monday (November 6) to Wednesday (8th), the theme is "driving a complex environment."

About 300 executives will attend, including heavyweight characters. In addition to the Solomon and Gorman mentioned above, it also includes Ken Griffin, who has founded the hedge fund CitadelEssence

Moody's analysis economist Heron Lim analyzed: "The financial leader investment summit may be regarded as the best way to promote Hong Kong's attractiveness to key decision makers."

He also said: "But considering the general trend, before global investors take root, we must believe not only in Hong Kong, but also the future growth potential of China (mainland)."