After the latest policy report in Hong Kong announced the relaxation of the real estate policy, the volume of the residential market rose significantly.However, people in the industry generally predict that it is difficult for measures to change the downward trend of the Hong Kong property market.Bu Shaoming, Chief Executive Officer of the Housing and Housing Department of Hong Kong Real Estate Company, said on Thursday (October 26) that the "spicy" measures in the property market took effect on Wednesday, and the market immediately responded.Records are significantly increased compared to the previous day.In terms of price, because the supply of second -hand markets does not increase immediately, the owners who are on the market do not have a "counter -price" (regret the price previously agreed, that is, the price increase), but the room for bargaining is narrowed.More confident.He predicts that after the Hong Kong property market "reduces spicy", the transaction volume will rise significantly.After increasing the transaction volume, property prices will stop falling.

Chen Yongjie, Vice Chairman and President of Housing Department of the Asia -Pacific District of another real estate intermediary group, also said that after the new policy report is "reduced" in the property market, the overall property price of Hong Kong will continue to find it in the short term.It fell by 1%to 2%, but it will stabilize before and after Christmas, and will improve in the Lunar New Year next year.However, CITIC Lyon Securities Co., Ltd. believes that a new policy report launched three "reduction", which is within market expectations.In the high interest rate environment, the impact of relevant measures on the Hong Kong property market is small.Lyon expects that after three moves of the Hong Kong property market, the transaction volume will rise in the short term, but the bank still maintains a pessimistic view of the Hong Kong residential market and reiterates that property prices will fall by 17%.Zeng Huanping, the chairman of Hong Kong, chairman of the multinational real estate service and investment management company, also described that the Hong Kong government's "reduced spicy" is "half bucket water" this time, which helplessly reverse the decline in property prices.Affected by the lack of economic economy and the turbulent situation in the Middle East and the turbulence of the Middle East, the interest mouth will continue to be high, coupled with unfavorable factors such as the Hong Kong stock market's poor performance, "reducing spicy" will only drive the residential transaction volume of more than a month to increase by 10%to 20 to 20 in the next month to 20 to 20 to 20.%, The Hong Kong property market next year is still not optimistic.The Hong Kong Legislative Council held a politics report on Thursday. The real estate and construction sectors Long Hanbiao stated at the meeting that it is expected that the Hong Kong government will closely monitor the market. If the property market does not have a stir -frying wind after "reducing spicy", the official can make a comprehensive comprehensive to make a comprehensive comprehensiveThe decision of "withdrawal".Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao expressed his understanding of the government's hope that the government is "doing the most", but any policy must consider how the "Tao" is, and this "Tao" has balanced all factors. He believesEasy, we must consider all factors to make comprehensive decisions.Chen Weiqiang, a lecturer in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong Specialty College, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the property market is an important social issue in Hong Kong. As soon as related policies have changed, it will affect the rise or decline of property prices.If the Hong Kong Government is fully "withdrawn", property prices may rise sharply, and citizens who have unscrupulous business will be dissatisfied.This time the official "reduced spicy" in the middle is cautious and responsible.Chen Weiqiang said that the economic performance of Hong Kong and mainland China this year is not good, and the global interest rate will remain at a high level in the future. It is estimated that the Hong Kong property market will only have a short "Xiaoyangchun".It is not too late to "remove spicy" again when the house will be used.The Hong Kong property market has continued in the downturn in the past few months. The second policy report in the office released by the Li Family in the Li Family in response to market expectations and announced the adjustment of the stamp duty, commonly known as the "spicy recruitment", including the buyer's stamp duty and the second suites of the second house.The double stamp duty reduced to 7.5%, and the additional stamp duty was reduced from three years to two years, and the non -Hong Kong -owned property stamp duty was changed to "first exemption and then levy".Relevant clauses are effective.