(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) Noel Quinn, CEO of HSBC, said that wealth flowing from mainland China this year has increased by three to four times.

Reuters reported that on Tuesday (November 7) at the Hong Kong International Financial Leadership Investment Summit, Qi Yao said that after the cancellation of the crown epidemic restriction measures, Hong Kong wealth management activities recovered, and a large amount of wealth management funds poured in.Hongkong.On the observation of HSBC, the wealth flowing into Hong Kong in mainland China has increased by three to four times.

He said that the insurance business under HSBC also increased by 40%, and most of them came from mainland China.He predicts that the integration of Hong Kong and mainland China will continue to rise in the level of wealth management activities in Hong Kong.

Qi Yaonian also mentioned the opportunity of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area.He said that the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area gathers Hong Kong's financial industry and the manufacturing industry in Guangdong, coupled with scientific research institutions and universities in Guangdong and Hong Kong, forming a strong combination, making the Greater Bay Area full of business opportunities.

Qi Yaonian said that since the end of the crown disease, the retail banking business of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area has increased by about 70%, and the banking business of small and medium -sized enterprises in Hong Kong has increased by 90%.

He said that HSBC has a team that is responsible for the new economy of the Greater Bay Area and set up a special loan fund to help enterprises start a business. Recently, HSBC has increased the scale of the fund due to the rise in demand.