Gay Games, which is regarded as a global gay world, will be held in Hong Kong on Friday (November 3) on Friday (November 3).Point out that the organizer is suspected of resisting the National Security Law of Hong Kong.

The co -chair of the Hong Kong Tongle Games (referred to as Tongle Club) Lin Minyi responded when attending a radio program on Friday that they were registered groups in Hong Kong and were transparent for funds.It takes about $ 3.2 million (S $ 4.36 million) to host this Games. Most of the funds come from sponsors, and many Hong Kong companies have participated. Some companies have more money to allow employees to participate.

Lin Minyi emphasized that it has always been hoped to hold a sports, art and cultural activities in Hong Kong to allow people of different sexual orientation, different gender identities, and different physical fitness to understand each other and unite in diversity.When asked if there would be a protest at that time, she believed that Hong Kong people had their own opinions and opposition voices, and as long as the law was abiding, it would be normal.

Public information shows that the Tongle Club has a 41 -year history so far, and has always aimed at the right to equal rights.The event was held in Hong Kong and Gwadahara, Gwada, Mexica this year, and was held in Asian cities for the first time.The conference expects that there are about 2,000 Tongle Associations in Hong Kong, and people from 40 countries and regions participate, of which about 40 % are not locals.

However, the Hong Kong School of Institutes has recently criticized Hong Kong to host this activity.Several citizens held a press conference on the Legislative Council on Wednesday (November 1) to submit a petition letter to the members of the parliament, indicating that they oppose Hong Kong to host Tongle.They said that 25,000 signatures were collected, asking the Hong Kong government to immediately ban the opening ceremony of the event.Liang Yantong, the owner of the Anti -Tonglei group, questioned that if the convener of the administrative meeting of the event and the guest of the event, Ye Liu Shuyi, the chairman of the New Democratic Party, would mean that she agreed with all the concepts of the Tongle Association if attending the Tongle Association.If so, he believes that Ye Liuwu is qualified to become the convener of the Executive Council.

He Junyao, a member of the Legislative Council of the Tongle Club held by Hong Kong many times, criticized that the Tongle Club was a "sugar -coated poison" with diversified, tolerance and equal packaging.Laws of the National Security Law of Hong Kong.The former director of the Hong Kong Equality Committee, Shu Jianming, even said that the Tongle Association originated in the United States. There is a problem with the source of funds, and there are reasons to believe that the organizer is "soft confrontation."

Hong Kong's largest political parties' DPP Federation on Friday at the government headquarters, it reads the declaration of "maintaining a man and a woman's marriage system and defending the core value of the family".Zhou Haoding, vice chairman of the Democratic Construction Federation, said that the Tongle Association is controversial and may shake the marriage system of a man and a woman and the core value of the traditional family. He feels helpless and anxious about it.

Ye Liu Shuyi, who was "sniper", criticized when she responded that she had recently accused her ridiculous.She shows that she has never promoted or approved the legalization of same -sex marriage. She hopes that those who discredit her and the New Democratic Party should not use this negative campaign strategy to delay the election culture of the Future New District Council.

The Hong Kong Government has not expressed his statement so far.Xu Zhengyu, director of the Financial Affairs and Treasury Bureau, attended a radio program on Friday. When asked if he supported Tongle Club to hold it in Hong Kong, he only answered that everyone had different ideas, and the relevant policy bureau had responded.

Li Junjie, assistant professor of guest guest at Zhuhai College in Hong Kong, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that under the centennial colonial rule of Hong Kong in the UK, Hong Kong became the international metropolis of Chinese and Western cultures, but it was conservative in terms of social customs and culture, especially sexual concepts.It is not surprising that the Tongle Club's held in Hong Kong has caused a strong rebound in social groups.

However, Li Junjie believes that different people have different sexual orientations, and the society can dislike it, but they should be respected. They should not accuse the Tongle Club that may violate the national security law without evidence.