
On November 14, the Sun Yat -sen University Student Fund Management Center received a report on Zhao Moumou, a student of our school's financial difficulties, and excessive consumption. The college and our center quickly launched the investigation procedure.

After verification, the student was identified as the identification procedures and complete materials of students in the family's economic difficulties, which meets relevant regulations.However, it was found in the inspection that the student existed in the behavior of being frugal and excessive consumption.According to the provisions of Article 21 of the Administration of Undergraduate Students at Sun Yat -sen University, it is decided to terminate its school -aid issuance.

Schools attach great importance to student funding work, and help students who have difficulty in family economic difficulties to help students grow into talents.Next, the school will further strengthen the management and supervision of student funding.

Sun Yat -sen University Student funding management center

November 15, 2023

Source: High School Workers

Earlier reports:

Recently, some netizens posted at Sun Yat -sen University posting that the school ’s Chinese Law Nuclear Engineering and Technical College (hereinafter referred to as the China -Law Nuclear) a special -scorching student used the four -piece set of Apple series (generally refers to the Apple brandFour products: mobile phones, computers, tablets and watches), and also bought a Wang Jiaer concert ticket worth 1,517 yuan.On November 15th, [email protected]) The reporter learned from many departments of Sun Yat -sen University that the school has paid attention to relevant information and is investigated and verified the matter.

Sun Yat -sen University Tieba netizens posted a message saying that the special difficulties bought 1500 yuan concert ticket (web page screenshot)

Posts show that a 2021 undergraduate student at Sun Yat -sen University has obtained a scholarship for "particular difficulties", but some netizens said that the classmates are not bad. Usually use Apple computers, tablets, and mobile phones.Waiting for four -piece products, worth 20,000 yuan, and also purchased a concert ticket in Guangzhou on November 25, the fare reached 1517 yuan.In the post, the news that netizens also disclosed the school number information for the student aid students.

On November 15th, Jimu Journalists called the staff of the Students of the Sino -French Nuclear Academy of the Zhuhai Campus of Sun Yat -sen University, but failed to connect.

A staff member of the President's Office of Sun Yat -sen University told Jimu Journalists that the assessment of the award -winning scholarship was the responsibility of the student work department of the school's party committee.

A staff member of the Student Work Department of the Party Committee of Sun Yat -sen University told Jimu Journalists that they will investigate and verify the matter.

A person in charge of the Zhuhai Campus of Zhongshan University told Jimu Journalists that they have paid attention to the relevant situation of the post, and are conducting a comprehensive investigation and verification of the assessment process and student conditions.

(Source: Polar News)