When the cold wave swept to Shanghai last week, when I went to the mall near the residence to add clothes, I found that in the past year, I found that the down jacket brand Canada Goose, which was a long queue in previous years, was in the background.

As soon as I stepped into the store, the clerk greeted him enthusiastically, introduced several styles in a row, and asked me to add her WeChat, "Consultation at any time."When I remembered that when I was accompanying friends to visit the shop two years ago, the store was squeezed in the store, and the clerk couldn't care about greeting us at all.

Friends heard and laughed: "It shows that everyone has no money anymore. Don't say‘ big goose ’. I only buy daily necessities this year’ s ‘Double Eleven’. ”

As the largest online shopping event of the year, the "Double Eleven" just passed was as cold as the cold current.Baidu Index shows that the number of peaks of Double Eleven this year fell by 60%compared with the same period last year.The hottest topic on the Weibo on Weibo turned out to be "Is Double Eleven unable to sell."

International Consultation Institution Bain's survey on 3,000 Chinese consumers shows that only 53%of consumers warmly look forward to this year's "Double Eleven", far lower than 76%in 2021; 77%of consumers are expected to this yearDouble Eleven consumption will not exceed the same period last year, higher than 76 % last year.

Faced with "indifferent" consumers, major e -commerce platforms have to use their body to solve the hot atmosphere.Compared with the previous two years, this year's Double Eleven will no longer perform complex rules such as "spike", or brain -burning coupons, etc. This year, it adopts a simple and rude strategy: price war.

This year's Taobao's Double Eleven slogan is "the lowest price on the entire network", and JD's theme is "really cheap". Pinduoduo has launched the "enhanced version of 10 billion subsidies" to compete for the lowest price.

The hot price war not only makes the platform tighten the nerves, but also makes the merchant suffering.It is reported that Alibaba require merchants to provide the lowest price for its platform, otherwise it will be from Double Eleven.Remove during promotion.The electrical brand Haishi even reported to the market supervision department to report JD.com, saying that JD.com was competing for the "lowest price of the entire network" and reduced the price of the company's products by 30 yuan (RMB, the same, S $ 5.6), and the company was forced to bear the difference.

After the vigorous price war, Ali and JD.com both announced that this year's Double Eleven data has increased year -on -year.Tmall claims that a total of 402 brand transactions have exceeded 100 million yuan this year, and the transactions of 38,000 brands have increased by more than 100%year -on -year.JD.com disclosed that the sales of more than 60 brands in Double Eleven exceeded 1 billion yuan, and nearly 20,000 brand turnover increased by more than three times year -on -year.

Despite the continuous newspaper, the two e -commerce giants have not revealed the overall transaction data for the second consecutive year.

This situation is not the first time.During the "618" shopping festival in June this year, the inside of the e -commerce platform has attracted attention.JD.com Retail CEO Xinli Jun shouted at 618 this year, "You know how to benefit, you can have friends", and Pinduoduo's slogan is "618 every day."After 618, the sales data were not published on each platform.

Listening to colleagues said that in the morning of the Double Eleven in the early years, the e -commerce platform would invite the media to the live lobby to witness how much the turnover on the large screen can exceed 100 million yuan.As the "breaking 100 million" time became shorter and shorter, the atmosphere of the scene quickly reached a climax.

At the 15th year of Double Eleven, the tone of this shopping event has shifted from carnival to exhaustion.When the price reduction has become the only effective and even effective way of competition, it shows that the merchant is really "no recruitment", and consumers are really "no money".

released by the National Bureau of Statistics of ChinaThe total retail sales of social consumer goods increased higher than expected, but this was mainly due to poor performance in the same period last year.Affected by the weakness of the property market, the recovery of the consumption of residential goods such as furniture, building decoration, etc. still lag behind.

The consumer price index (CPI) that reflects the inflation situation (CPI) at October decreased by 0.2 % year-on-year ,Two months negatively grows; industrial producers' ex -factory price index (PPI) not only declined for 13 consecutive months, but also expanded again.This has once again exacerbated the market's concerns about the shrinking of the economy, and also highlight the challenges of the official efforts to boost domestic demand.

Democratic domestic demand is not only reflected in macro data, but also at the micro level.On the social media platform Xiaohongshu, young people are no longer keen on buying luxury goods, but are willing to share the money -saving experience of buying discount products; fewer people who have taken abroad photos have become fewer, and they have become more for the elderly travel groups.It's right.Even when visiting the shopping mall, you can feel that the flow of shops and restaurants upstairs decreases, and the popularity has gathered in the catering stalls and supermarkets, and the consumption is relatively cheap.

The rise of

"reverse consumption" and "old -fashioned consumption" reflects the impact of the main environment of young people's main consumer groups from the side and high unemployment rate.When people are no longer optimistic about the prospects and income, their attitudes towards Double Eleven are no longer "missing a day and waiting for a year", but "not buying 100 %."

In recent years, the popular "inner roll" in Chinese society means that when an industry cannot make breakthroughs, it can only continue to become more complicated inside, resulting in more effort to compete for limited resources.The word has been used to describe Internet companies overtime, college education competition, and parental anxiety. I did not expect that it is now a proud consumer market for China.

When e -commerce people can't make the cake bigger, they can only try their best to divide the cake; this not only does not help industry innovation, but also causes a vicious circle.The Double Eleven of the inner roll sounds the alarm clock where domestic demand is still yet to be boosted, and to solve this problem, we must not rely on a few e -commerce platforms.