Japanese media reported that Japanese Prime Minister Kishita and Chinese President Xi Jinping are expected to meet during the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting.

The English website "The Japan News" of the Yomi Yamage News reported that Kishida will attend the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in San Francisco on Thursday (November 16) and Friday (17th).He plans to hold talks with Xi Jinping during the meeting.

Kishida Tuesday (November 14) said at the Prime Minister's Office with the Gongming Party leader Yamaguchi Nakinan Men's meeting: "The Japanese and Central Summit may be held ... I want to create a chance to create a dialogue."

It is reported that the meeting between Kishida and Xi Jinping is scheduled to be held on Thursday.If you do it, this will be a face -to -face talks in Kishida and Xi Jinjin after a year.Kishida and Xi Jinping met during the Bangkok APEC conference last November.At present, the official has not officially announced that the Xi'an Association will be held.

According to reports, in the planned dialogue with Xi Jinping, Kishida will ask China to immediately cancel the import ban on Japanese seafood.

China was originally the largest importer of Japan's seafood, but after the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan launched the operation of water -rowing sea, China prohibited the import of Japanese aquatic products due to food safety considerations.

According to China CCTV News, Xi Jinping held China-US dollar meeting .The heads of state of the two countries exchanged opinions frankly on the strategic, overall, directional issues, and major issues related to world peace and development on Sino -US relations.