Chinese officials emphasized The most important and most sensitive issues in US relations will eventually be unified and will inevitably be unified.

According to China CCTV News, Chinese officials held a China -US dollar meeting with US President Biden in the US President Biden on November 15, local time.The heads of state of the two countries exchanged opinions frankly on the strategic, overall, directional issues, and major issues related to world peace and development on Sino -US relations.

Chinese officials say that today the world has experienced a big change in a century. There are two choices in China and the United States: one is to strengthen the combination of unity and combine global challenges to promote world security and prosperity.The other is to hold zero -sum thinking, provoke the opposition of camps, and let the world go turbulent and split.The two options represent two directions, which will determine the future of human beings and the future of the earth.

He emphasized that Sino -US relations should think and plan in this context.It is not possible to not deal with China and the United States. It is impractical to change the other party.Competition of great powers cannot solve problems facing between China and the United States and the world.This earth can accommodate China and the United States.The success of China and the United States is an opportunity for each other.

China officially emphasized that China's development has its own logic and laws. China is comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese -style modernization. China does not follow the old road of colonial plunder or the crooked road of the country.Consolidating ideological output is also different from any country.China does not surpass or replace the United States planning, and the United States should not have plans to curb China.

He said that mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation are not only the experience mentioned in the 50 -year Sino -US relations, but also the inspiration brought by the conflict between the great powers in history. It should be the direction of the joint efforts of China and the United States.As long as the two parties adhere to mutual respect, live peacefully, and win -win cooperation, they can surpass the differences and find the correct way to get along with the two major powers.At the meeting of Bali last year, the United States stated that it would not seek to change the Chinese system, do not seek a new cold war, do not seek to oppose China by strengthening the alliance relationship, do not support Taiwan independence, and did not intend to conflict with China.In this San Francisco meeting, China and the United States should have a new vision to work together to pour five pillars of Sino -US relations.

The first is to establish correct cognition together.China is always committed to building a stable, healthy and sustainable Sino -US relations.At the same time, China has the interests that must be maintained, the principles that must be defended, and the bottom line that must be adhered to.It is hoped that the two countries will be partners, respect each other, and coexist peacefully.

The second is to effectively control the differences and control.Do not allow differences to become a gap between the two countries, but to find a way to set up a bridge.The two sides should understand the bottom line of each other, not tossing, not picking things, not crossing the border, communicate, talk more, discuss more, and deal with differences and accidents calmly.

Third, jointly promoting intestinal cooperation.China and the United States have extensive common interests in many fields, including both traditional areas such as economy, trade, agriculture, and emerging fields such as climate change and artificial intelligence.The two sides should make full use of the mechanisms of restoration or establishment of diplomacy, economy, finance, commerce, agriculture and other fields, and carry out cooperation in the fields of anti -drug, judicial law enforcement, artificial intelligence, technology and other fields.

Fourth is to jointly assume the responsibility of the great country.The troubles faced by human society are inseparable from the cooperation of great powers.China and the United States should do an example, strengthen coordination and cooperation in international and regional issues, and provide more public products to the world.The initiative proposed by the two parties must be open to each other, and can also coordinate and do the force to form a joint force.

Five is to promote humanistic exchanges together.It is necessary to increase direct flights between the two countries, promote tourism cooperation, expand local exchanges, strengthen educational cooperation, and encourage and support the people of the two countries to communicate and communicate more.

On the issue of Taiwan, China officially emphasized that the issue of Taiwan has always been the most important and sensitive issue in Sino -US relations.China attaches great importance to the positive statements made by the United States at the Bali Conference.The United States should reflect the statement that does not support Taiwan independence in specific actions, stops armed Taiwan, and supports Chinese peace and reunification.China will eventually be unified, and it will inevitably be unified.

Chinese officials say that the United States has continuously adopted measures for China in export control, investment review, and unilateral sanctions, which seriously damages China's legitimate interests.Aiming at Chinese technology to curb China's high -quality development and deprive the Chinese people's right to develop.China's development and growth have endogenous logic, which cannot be blocked by external forces.It is hoped that the United States will take care of China seriously, take action, cancel unilateral sanctions, and provide Chinese companies with a fair, fair and discriminatory environment.

It is reported that the heads of state of the two countries agreed to promote and strengthen dialogue cooperation in various fields of China and the United States, including the establishment of an artificial intelligence government dialogue; the establishment of the China -US anti -drug cooperation working group to carry out anti -drug cooperation;High -level communication, the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Defense in China and the United States, the China -US military safety consultation mechanism meeting, and conduct a call for leaders of the Chinese and American theater's theater; agree to further increase flights earlier next year; expand education, international students, youth, culture, sports, and industry and commerceBoundary communication, and so on.

The heads of state of the two countries recognized the efforts of the principles of the guidance of Sino -US relations since the meeting of Bali Island.Cooperation to control the competitive factors in bilateral relations responsible.The heads of state of the two countries welcomed the teams of both sides to continue to discuss.

The heads of state of the two countries emphasized that in the current key 10 years, China and the United States have accelerated their efforts to cope with the importance of climate crisis. Welcome to the recent active discussion of climate special envoys of the two countries, including domestic emission reduction operations in the 2020s and jointly promoting the United Nations climate change Dubai DubaiThe conference (COP28) was successful and launched the "Reinforcement of Climate Action Working Group in the 1920s" to accelerate specific climate actions.