(Beijing Road Pae News) The reporting agency's Counterpoint announced this week that a report on Huawei, Huawei, a Chinese information and communications technology giants, has promoted the total number of smartphones in China in October by 11%, showing that China dates in downturnThere are signs of recovery in the mobile phone market.

According to Reuters, a report released by Countpoint on Tuesday (November 14) states that Huawei ’s smartphone sales around October increased by 83%compared with the same period last year.Essence

Xiaomi smartphone sales increased by 33%at the same time.The report did not provide specific performance during this period.

Huawei launched the Mate 60 series smartphones ."About:/News/China/Story20230904-1430324" R = NOFOLOW TARGET = _blank> Autonomous Developed Advanced Chip . Some analysts believe that the listing of the Mate 60 series is shown that when the United States stops exporting some chips to China.China has the ability to deal with this export control in the United States.

However, Countpoint believes that Huawei may still encounter a bottleneck in development because some production problems may be encountered.

Counterpoint senior analyst Ivan Lam said that Huawei's ability to improve its own adaptation to the new normal will not only determine its main factor, but also a major decisive factor to promote a wider market.

Countpoint data shows that the sales of China's smartphone market have previously fallen for several consecutive quarters, of which shipments in the second quarter of this year fell by 3%year -on -year.