Taiwan's "Blue and White He" on Wednesday (November 15) in the wild was negotiated after the whistle. The two major opposition parties decided to choose the president to choose the president. After the experts were asked to evaluate the polls from all walks of life, it was decided to be in the wild.

Taiwan will hold the president and legislator election on January 13 next year after eight weeks. All candidates must be registered next Monday to Friday (November 20th to 24th).

The negotiations of

The Kuomintang (Blue) and the People's Party (White) have been deadlocked for a month, and they are on the verge of breaking the game because they adhere to the rules of game rules that are beneficial to themselves.The people's party insists that the candidate's national adjustment is only compared to the candidates (all determined by telephone polls), and the Kuomintang insists on joining the "individual and team" of the "individual and team" that compares the party.

Under the persuasion of the former President Ma Ying -jeou of the Kuomintang, the two sides finally held political party consultations at the Ma Ying -jeou Cultural and Education Foundation at 10 am on Wednesday.Attendees include Hou Youyi and Ke Wenzhe of President Blue and White President, and Zhu Lilun, Chairman of the Kuomintang, and Ma Ying -jeou witnessed.

After two and a half hours of meetings, the two parties reached a six -point consensus and decided that a poll statistics experts were recommended by Ma Ying -jeou and blue and white.Blue and white each provides an internal reference poll result.The two sides agreed that if the statistical error exceeds the statistical error, the winner will be a bit; if the error range is within the scope of the error, Hou Ke will match a little.The results were announced by the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation on Saturday morning.

This means that the two sides have their own concessions, and the Kuomintang no longer insists on joining the support of political parties to compare each other and only do a local discussion.

The consensus caused by the two sides also includes the co -organizing campaign committee, fully assisting the candidate of the President and Vice President, and the legislators recommended by the two parties.With cross -strait policies, the people's party leaders are responsible for supervision and checks and balances, and the Kuomintang is responsible for construction and development.

This shows that if the Legislative Yuan is more than half of the blue and white, the people of the people are expected to serve as the Legislative President. The Kuomintang obtains the power of the cabinet and becomes the president of the administrative president.

At a press conference after the meeting, Ma Ying -jeou described Lan Baihe's "creating a new record for Taiwan's political history", and Zhu Lilun and Hou Youyi also smiled when they made brief speeches.

Ke Wenzhe looked dignified; after attending another youth discussion, he admitted that he was in a bad mood and said that he had always hated the Kuomintang, but hated the fallen DPP even more.He also guarantees that he will work hard to supervise the Kuomintang in the future and prevent it from moving towards corruption.

He revealed in an exclusive interview with a TV program at night that the United States Association in Taiwan (AIT) had a call to call, asking the people to explain whether the blue and white combination of blue and white is involved in mainland China.He asked the Party Secretary -General Zhou Taizhu to explain, lamenting that Taiwan was a dilemma of being a "small country". "There are too many father -in -law and mother -in -law.

Zhang Deng, a professor at the political department of Taiwan University, pointed out in an interview with the Lianhe Morning Post that the blue -and -white cooperation agreement decided to decide the new plan for the candidate of Zheng and Vice President. It is compatible with and accumulating the strength of the national and political parties that the two sides insisted on, indicating that each other has stepped back.

Some comments pointed out that Ke Wenzhe's leader in the error also made the mechanism of points, indicating that the final result has been biased towards Hou Ke, which is unfair to the people's party, and it is not easy to persuade supporters.Zhang Deng and Zhang believed that the staff of the two sides should have abdomen cases, and there are other polls on the market and on hand, and there is still an opportunity.

He said that if Ke Wenzhe is not clear, it is difficult to unite and command the heads of the 14 counties and cities of the Kuomintang and many legislators and county members.If you are a presidential candidate, once you lose, you must carry the responsibility of the election; if you are a deputy campaign, even if you lose, as long as the blue and white parties in the Legislative Yuan can be used as the legislature according to the agreement, you can also control the legislative power of the government to supervise the government's legislative powerIt is still beneficial to the development of the people's party.

Zhang Deng said that no matter who Hou Ke is, there will be supporters who feel lost. Of course, the blue and white one -plus one may be less than two, but the blue and white fighting one will definitely be zero.For the rotation of political parties, this is also the second result of retreating.

He said that the political consultation consensus between the two sides must also accept the supervision of public opinion, public opinion and presidential candidate debate.Relevant policy policies, personnel planning, and the details of the joint government must also be tested before the election, otherwise even if they win, they will be elected two years later to suffer from public opinion.