The State Administration of Radio and Television of China will increase the management of online micro -short dramas and accelerate the formulation of the formulation of online micro -drama creation production and content review rules.

The WeChat public account of the China Internet Audiovisual Program Service Association WeChat public account on Wednesday (November 15) stated that since last year, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has continued to carry out network micro -drama governance work, strengthened standardized management, and effectively purified the network.Ecology of micro -short drama industry.

The article states that since late November last year, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has focused on three months and organized the special rectification work of the "small program" category network micro -drama to achieve positive results.As of February 28 this year, a total of more than 1.365004 episodes containing a micro -short drama with vulgarity, bloody violence, low style, aesthetic vulgarity, etc.2420, formed a deterrent effect, which effectively curb the trend of the brutal growth of the Internet micro -short drama.

After the special rectification work is over, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has transferred to the normalization of micro -drama governance of the network: First, establish a dual weekly submission disposal data mechanism and regularly release an announcement mechanism.Since March this year, platforms such as Douyin, Kuaishou, Tencent, B Station, Xiaohongshu, Little Red Books, and Video have released a total of more than 40 issues, and more than 350,000 episodes of vulgarity and harmful networks were cleaned up.Minutes; 429 "small programs" and 2988 accounts and 2988 accounts of the vulgar and harmful network micro -drama.

The second is the establishment of a "blacklist" mechanism for network micro -drama.It is required that the online audiovisual platform should be responsible for the main responsibility, report the illegal network micro -drama in a timely manner, summarize the "blacklist", and inform the entire industry, supervise the entire network platform to remove the shelves in time, promote joint participation in governance, and prevent preventive prevention prevention.Illegal network micro -drama transfer positions and transition vest broadcasts.

The General Administration of Radio, Film and Television will continue to improve the normalized management mechanism, increase management efforts and refine management measures from seven aspects: first, to speed up the formulation of online micro -short drama creation production and content review rules; second, research and promotionThe Internet micro -drama APP and "Mini Program" are included in the management of daily institutions; the third is to establish a small program "blacklist" mechanism and the statistical mechanism of network micro -drama push; the fourth is to entrust the China Internet Audiovisual AssociationWork; Fifth, to promote self -discipline in the industry, supervise each other, and the entire industry to resist illegal network micro -drama; sixth is to carry out a monthly special rectification work, focusing on the orientation, title, content, aesthetics, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, and personnel,In terms of publicity, broadcasting, etc., we will increase the disposal and exposure of illegal network micro -drama, further optimize the recommendation of algorithm, improve the advertising push -flow audit mechanism, and achieve immediate results; seventh to strengthen creative planning guidance and continue to create masterpieces.