A Chinese man was sentenced to death for drug trafficking in Vietnam.

The Vietnamese Express reported last Saturday (November 11) that 58 -year -old Chinese man Li Tianguan (transliteration) was tried after four days of trial, and was a family of families under the Ho Chi Minh People's Court for drug trafficking.He was sentenced to death with the juvenile court.

The topics on Monday (November 13) appeared on the Weibo hot search list. Many Chinese netizens expressed their support for the trial of Vietnamese courts."Support, don't think that cross -border can escape sin" "This Chinese stands for the Vietnamese court."

It is reported that a total of 18 people were sentenced to death for selling more than 216 kilograms of drugs. This is a case with the largest number of death sentences in all drug cases in Ho Chi Minh City.

The death penalty also includes two Koreans. They are former 63 -year -old Korean policeman Kim Shunzhi (transliteration) and 30 -year -old Jiang Shanfu (transliteration).In addition, the 30 -year -old Vietnamese Li Hongwu (transliteration) was sentenced to death for drug trafficking and forgery official seal and documents.

In addition, 14 people were sentenced to death for illegal transportation, storage and procurement of drugs.