After a few months of frequent interaction between senior Sino -US officials, Chinese officials and US President Biden will finally hold talks in San Francisco.This is also the A>, whether Sino -US relations can stop falling and stabilize will be the biggest highlight of this "Xi -Malaysia".

At the "Xi Mobetter" held in Bali, Indonesia on November 14 last year, the Chinese side promised "five or four unintentional", that is, do not seek to change the Chinese system, do not seek a new cold war, do not seek to strengthen the allies through enhanced allies.Relations oppose China, do not support "Taiwan independence", nor supports "two China" and "one China and one"; inadvertently conflict with China, and unintentionally seek "decoupling" with China.China.China also made a promise of "two unintentional" to the United States, that is, China has never sought to change the existing international order, does not interfere with the American internal affairs, and has no intention of challenging and replacing the United States.

But the actual situation of Sino -US relations in the past year shows that both sides have more accusations with each other. The hostility not only did not resolve it, but continued to deepen.The United States still regards China as the biggest strategic competitors, and has not relaxed China on issues such as Taiwan, technology, and economy and trade.China even believes that the United States has nothing to believe, and its commitment to China is just "strategic deception."

On the other hand, although the general trend of the Sino -US game is difficult to change, the two sides also deeply realize that it is difficult to overwhelm each other through confrontation. In addition to confrontation, there must be communication and cooperation, otherwise it will also harm their own interests.In recent months, China and the United States have passed a series of to show good intentions , I finally finalized the second "Xi -Malaysia Meeting" in San Francisco.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China announced that the "Xi -Mishe" will communicate in depth on the strategic, global, directional issues of Sino -US relations, and major issues related to world peace and development.The White House in the United States also stated that the meeting of the U.S. -middle heads of state will seek to stabilize the relationship between the two countries and open communication channels.

The so -called "strategic, global, directional" problem, that is, China ’s consistent emphasis on head of state should play a strategic leading role in Sino -US relations.From the big aspect, China hopes that China and the United States will adhere to the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation. Through the head of state talks, continue to discuss and establish the principles of Sino -US relations guidance principles or strategic frameworks, effectively control differences, increase strategic mutual trust, and also increase strategic mutual trust.Through a series of dialogue mechanisms, the head of state has been implemented to reduce economic and trade frictions. At the same timeFall and stabilize, return to the track of healthy and stable development as soon as possible.

On specific issues, .The Taiwan election is imminent. Although the election is not completely clear, Lai Qingde, a DPP candidate, who has always advocated the "Taiwan independence", has a high probability.If Lai Qingde is elected, it is likely to bring new challenges to the situation in the Taiwan Strait, and even force the mainland to greatly adjust the Taiwan policy.Beijing had to plan ahead.

It is expected that Chinese officials will focus on Biden's focus on Taiwan, emphasizing the bottom line of China's policy on Taiwan, indicating that "Taiwan independence" may trigger the consequences of the drama of the Taiwan Strait.Or "one middle and one", hold the United States as much as possible to paint the red line for "Taiwan independence".

Bynden also hopes that the US -China relations are stable in principle. It will reiterate that the United States is unwilling to "decume" with the Chinese side, and inadvertently curb China's development and other commitments.On the issue that China is most concerned about, of course, the United States does not want war outbreaks. Otherwise, the United States will fall into the risk of direct military conflict with China. It is expected that Biden will reiterate that the United States will adhere to the "one -China policy" and will not support "Taiwan independence".

But the United States does not support "Taiwan independence" does not mean supporting China's unity.In recent years, the United States has become more and more handy between the United States that does not support "Taiwan independence" and support Taiwan's confrontation between China. From time to time, it has been used to bargain with China with "Taiwan cards", accounting for many cheaps.Therefore, even if Biden reiterated that the United States did not support "Taiwan independence", the United States would not give up the opportunity to play the "Taiwan card" in the future.

At the same time, the United States attaches importance to expanding market access in China, prevent fentanyl from entering the United States, restores the US -China military communication mechanism, and avoid specific problems such as misjudgment and accidents such as the United States and China in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea.Progress.It is expected that Bayeng will make the United States demand at the "Xi -Malaysia".

Of course, Chinese officials will also propose to Biden's sanctions against Chinese companies, export controls to China, and tariffs on China.

In terms of international affairs, Biden will continue to demand that China will not provide military industry assistance to Russia, and hopes that China hopes that China will play a role in the United States and Israel.Chinese officials will reiterate that China stands on a fair and peaceful position, hoping that the Russian and Ukraine War and the Harbin conflict will end soon.

"Xi Make -Bala" may also reached a consensus on the resumption of dialogue between the two Army of China and the United States to avoid accidents due to lack of communication.

From November 8th to 12th, Vice Chinese Prime Minister He Lifeng visited the United States .According to the Chinese side, He Lifeng's visit to the United States this time was prepared for economic results.These achievements include: the two parties agree to control differences to avoid misunderstanding and cause friction upgrades; the two parties lead people to agree to communicate regularly; the two sides welcome the development of healthy economic relations to provide a fair competitive environment for enterprises and workers of the two countries;Including economic growth, financial stability and supervision; agreed to cooperate with economic issues related to climate change, low -income and debt issues of emerging economies; agree to strengthen the international financial structure, accelerate the reform of multilateral development banks, and so on.

From the current atmosphere, China and the United States have prepared for the "Xi -Malaysia", but how much result can be achieved, not only depends on what the two sides talk about, but also the actions of both parties after the meeting.From the perspective of the performance of Sino -US relations after the last "Xi -Malaysia", it may be difficult for Sino -US relations to be optimistic in the next year.