The management of the health and health departments of many places in China has carried out the management of medical certifications in hospitals in the area in the area over the past few days.

According to the surging news Sunday (November 12), the website of the Beichuan County Government website was announced on Friday (November 10).The problem is to prevent violations of laws and regulations, and the Beichuan County Health Law Enforcement Brigade and the county maternal and child health care plan service center formed an inspection team to supervise and inspect the management and issuance of the birth of the birth of the birth of the four birthdayrs in the county.

In Yingshan County, Hubei, the county's health and health comprehensive law enforcement brigade set up a special inspection team on Thursday (November 9th) to issue a special inspection of medical certificates of birth medical certificates in the county people's hospital, county maternal and child health care hospital.

Last Friday, the maternal and child stocks of the Health and Health Bureau of Baishui County, Shaanxi, organized four people to organize the health department of the county's maternal and child health care hospital to conduct a special investigation of the management risk point of the birth of the birth of the three birthdayrs in the county.

In the supervision and inspection work in many places, some areas take the abolition management as one of the key points of inspection.

The Health and Health Bureau of Shuangyang District, Changchun City, Jilin announced that in order to further regulate the issuance, use and management of medical certifications in Shuangyang District, strengthen the supervision of the regulatory agencies in the area under its jurisdiction, and strictly control the occurrence of waste certificates.Last Wednesday (November 8th), under the leadership of Du Jing, the director of the Shuangyang District Health and Health Bureau, Gao Wenyan, director of the district maternal and child planning center, and the relevant departments of the relevant departments carried out special work supervision and inspection of the management of the birth of the birth of the birth of Shuangyang District Hospital.

In the Saixiu District of Baoding City, Hebei, the relevant personnel of the District Health and Health Bureau and the District Maternal and Child Health Hospital also formed a investigation team.EssenceThe inspection team focuses on document management and systems, personnel management, blank certificate management, discrimination management, seal management, archive management, first issuance, renewal management and other content, and use on -site inspection of archives and verification inquiries.

According to the notice of further strengthening the management of birth medical certification by the Ministry of Health in 2009, the abolition of the medical certificate of birth refersDue to printing and filling in the errors that have not been issued.

Hubei, Guangxi, and Guangdong hospitals have been exposed to the birth certificate of birth in the past week, and the local government departments have launched an investigation. At least 10 suspects have been approved to be arrested or criminally detained.