(Wuhan/Guangzhou Comprehensive News) Hospitals in Hubei, Guangxi, and Guangdong, China have been exposed to the birth certificate of birth in the past week, and the local government department launched an investigation. At least 10 suspects have been approved to be arrested or criminally detained.

According to the report of the Xiangyang Municipal Government of Hubei Province (November 12), after the netizens reported on November 6, after reporting the problems such as the medical certificate of birth medicine in Xiangyang Jianqiao Hospital, the local government, public security, disciplinary inspection and supervision and other departmentsExaminer.

The report said that as of now, six suspects such as Ye Mouzhi have been approved arrested, and four other suspects have been criminally detained according to law.In addition, the health department has revoked Dr. Ye Zhi and Dr. Liu Moujing and nurse's practice certificate, and canceled the qualifications for issuing medical certificates of Jianqiao Hospital and qualifications for maternal and child health technology services.

The notification also said that the local disciplinary inspection and supervision organs also investigated the negligence and losses of relevant leading cadres and public officials and the issues of violations of laws and disciplines.

Following Hubei, Guangdong and Guangxi also exposed the case of trafficking for birth last week.According to CCTV News on Saturday (11th), Guangdong Foshan officials have investigated investigations on Foshan Fu Aijia Maternity Hospital suspected of selling birth and taking criminal measures to the hospital in charge of the hospital.

In addition, the Guangxi Nanning Municipal Health and Health Committee also confirmed to the Chinese media on Thursday (9th) that the local hospital is investigating that local hospitals are suspected of selling birth certificates.

In China, birth certificate is the main medical basis for newborns to apply for hukou.The new version of the birth medical certificate of China in 2013 stipulates that the newborns who cannot verify the information of the newborn mothers cannot obtain a certificate of birth.

Once the birth certificate can be obtained through forgery or illegal handling, it means that the real life of the newborn may be erased, and the sale and illegal adoption can also escape legal sanctions.