For multiple students in the online breast surgery team suffering from cancer, a affiliated hospital of Zhongshan University in China clarified that three of the team had cancer, two of them were the hospital doctors, one was a foreign study personnel, and no students suffered from cancer.Essence

According to the Beijing Daily, the news that "Six students of the breast surgery team of Sun Yixian Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat -sen University collectively suffer from cancer" on Tuesday (7th) on the Internet on Tuesday (7th).The second university affiliated hospital, referred to as "Zhongshan Second Hospital") on Wednesday (November 8th), released the situation in the early morning.

The situation shows that three of the personnel who have worked and studied in laboratories in the breast and tumor center in recent years have suffered from cancer. Two of them are currently in the hospital's breast surgeon and work in clinical work;The employees or students of the college have returned to the original unit to work as a study personnel from the hospital.The laboratory does not have cancer in students.

The hospital also explained the specific situation of the three.Among them, Huang (female) from 2017 to 2022 was studying PhD in Sun Yixian Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat -sen University. He studied at the laboratory of the Breast Oncology Center. After graduating from a PhD in July 2022, he joined our hospital for breast surgery and engaged in clinical work.In October 2023, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and surgery. The current situation is stable.

In addition, Liu (male) from 2013 to 2018 at Sun Yaxian Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat -sen University studied for a doctorate degree. He studied at the laboratory of the Breast and Oncology Center., Engaged in clinical work.In June 2023, he was diagnosed with a slidous sarcoma and underwent surgery, and he recovered well after surgery.

Another trainee is a doctoral student graduated from a foreign hospital.In 2021, he went to Sun Yixian Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat -sen University for one year. He worked at the laboratory of the Breast and Oncology Center. He had completed his studies and left Guangzhou in April 2022. He was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2023.

The hospital also said that the laboratory of the Breast Oncology Center was opened in 2009 and has trained more than 200 students so far.The laboratory carried out safety and standardized operation training before experiments.

Correction with the public in contact with the laboratory or reagent in the public, the hospital stated that the cause of individual cancer is extremely complicated. Relevant departments are welcome to organize third -party institutions for evaluation and investigation.