Polar Journalists Ding Peng

Recently, Sun Hu, a 34 -year -old young lawyer in Zhejiang, died in his neighbor's village in his hometown in Zhuji.The Zhuji Municipal Public Security Bureau reported that two suspects were sentenced to punishment due to a conflict between the disputes between the neighborhood building.

Jimu Journalists visited and learned that Sun Hu's neighbor Sun Moujia dismantled the debris of another villager when he turned the house, promising to rebuild it in place.However, after Sun Moujia had a good family house, Sun Hu's family did not let him rebuild the debris of another villagers. The two sides had a dispute between the two sides and tragedy when Sun Huo returned home.

Young lawyers died after being stabbed by neighbors

The news of Sun Hu's unfortunate death was first issued by the law firm he was in office.On April 8th, the Zhejiang Law Firm issued a notice that the young lawyer of the institute Sun Hu was attacked on April 6, 2024. He died in the early morning of April 8 due to his unfortunate rescue and was 34 years old.

On the same day, a person familiar with the matter revealed to Jimu Journalist that the staff of the Zhejiang Law Firm was rushing to Sun Hu's hometown. It was initially understood that the cause was a neighborhood dispute, not because of the case he handled.

On the afternoon of April 8th, the Public Security Bureau of Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province issued a police report: "At 11:56 noon on April 6, 2024, the 110 command center of our bureau received a report that some people were on the Sun of the Sun of the Yang Dynasty.The village was hurt by a knife. Our bureau immediately sent a staff member to the scene to deal with it, arrested the suspect Sun Moujia (male, 61 years old), Sun Mi (male, 57 years old), Sun Mou (male, 34 years old) was sent toAfter the preliminary investigation of the hospital's rescue, the two parties conflicted due to the dispute between the construction of a house in the neighborhood.At present, the suspect Sun Moujia and Sun Mouyi were detained in accordance with the law, and the case was under further investigation.

Recently, Jimu Journalists came to visit Sunjia Village, Zhuji City and Sun Street.The village is built according to Yuyu Mountain, about 10 kilometers from Zhuji City. Except for several main roads, most of the hutongs are narrow and the room has a small distance.Some villagers said that the homesteads in the village are more tense.

There is a pond behind the Sunjia Village Village Committee. A brand new white three -story building in the southeast corner of the pond is a new house built by Sun Moujia just renovated the old house.The three -storey building of a light green tile next to the new house is the house of the victim Sun Hu's parents.According to the history of the village, Sunjia Village is the largest village surnamed in Zhuji.Many villagers introduced that most of the Sun surnamed Sun, but Sun Moujia and Sun Hu's family were not close relatives.

Different from the miscellaneous objects of third parties

Mr. Sun, a staff member of the Sunjia Village Committee, told Jimu Journalist that in 2023, when Sun Moujia renovated the new house, in order to be convenient for construction, after the villagers Sun Moude consent, he put Sun Moude's family debris.A small house was demolished and promised to build the small house in place afterwards.This small debris is located in the roadway adjacent to Sun Moude and Sun Hu's parents. Later, Sun Hu's family did not allow Sun Moujia to rebuild the debris. The two sides had a dispute.None of the mediation became a tragedy until the end.

Mr. Sun also said that Sun Moujia and Sun Mouyi are brothers. They usually do water in Shanghai and do not live in the village. Few people in the village know their temperament.Last year, Sun Moujia returned to his hometown to turn over a new house, and he also wanted to retire and go home to enjoy the blessing. I did not expect that this would happen.

When a villager introduced the cause of the case to Jimu Journalist, it was consistent with the above -mentioned village cadres."Sun Moujia intends to restore the small house, but was opposed by Sun Hu's family, and the two sides had many quarrels."

A relative of Sun Hua introduced to Jimu Journalist that on April 6, Sun Hu returned to his hometown to communicate the two things. There was no defense. As a result, he was stabbed by the other party.It's right.

A person familiar with the matter of Sunjiacun revealed to Jimu Journalist that the first day Sun Hu was theory with Sun Mouyi.Sun Hu took several knives, "That kind of knife was used to kill fish before." In addition, Sun Hu's head was beaten. Sun Hu's sister sent him to the hospital, but he was in a coma on the road.Essence

I just got married last year, I bought a house in Hangzhou

Many villagers said when they talked about this tragedy, "Sun Hu, a pity." Several neighbors of Sunhu's family also introduced to reporters that Sun Hu has academic performance since childhood, smart and hard.

"He would not quarrel from an early age, and it was reasonable that day." Sun Hu's relatives told Jimu Journalists that after graduating from Sunhu University, he first worked in a bank and later became a lawyer.It is not one anniversary.After his marriage, he developed with his wife in Hangzhou and had bought a house in Hangzhou.

According to the previous information of Zhejiang Law Firm, Sun Hu graduated from Ningbo University undergraduate. From August 2013 to August 2017, he worked as a teller in many banks.From May 2020 to May 2021, he worked as an internship lawyer in the Zhejiang Law Firm, and became a full -time lawyer in May 2021. He has rich practical experience in the fields of finance, company, construction real estate, contracts, litigation and arbitration and other fieldsSince practice, it has provided corporate legal business services for many entity enterprises and financial institutions, and has accumulated rich experience in corporate dispute disposal and dispute resolution.

A person in charge of the relevant departments of Zhuji confirmed to Jimu Journalists that Sun Hu's father quarreled with his neighbors that day. He went to theory, and it was not that netizens said that "he was cut and injured as soon as he got off the car."

The building materials in front of Sun Moujia's new house (photo by reporter Ding Peng)

After the incident, after many incidents, in front of Sun Moujia's new three -story white building, some villagers stopped to talk about the matter.There were also several police cars nearby, and many police officers were on the spot.In front of the three -storey white building, a bunch of unused building materials were piled up in place, and the end of the new house was pressed on the pause button.

(Source: Polar News)