The malignant cases implemented by minors together have once again attracted the public's strong attention to the crime of minors.

According to the Xinhuang River client, in Fei Township, Handan City, Hebei Province, three junior high school students brutally killed a classmate and buried the body in the abandoned vegetable greenhouse.At present, the three suspects have been arrested by the police and the case is being handled.

"Children's face is shoved by iron“ <全 全 ", at a young age, how ruthlessness is; buried the remains after the crime, destroying the corpse, can be seen carefully; the police have retracted the monitoring of the three and the victims.In this case, in the face of police inquiries, the three of them first denied that the details of the cases disclosed by the media reports made people see the strong contrast between the three minors' old behaviors and their young age.

In fact, in many cases such as "Dalian 13 -year -old boy killing a 10 -year -old girl" before, the public has seen this contrast many times.And every time, hoping to increase the voices of the punishment of underage crimes will be stronger.

What is the most concerned about the public is: What is the price of the three of them pay for their actions?Because there is no accurate information about the age of the three minors, whether they will be criminally investigated, it is currently unclear.

According to the law, if the age of 14 years is at the age of 14, it will definitely be held accountable; the age of 12 years is less than 14 years old, and the possibility of being investigated, provided that the Supreme People's Procuratorate is approved for prosecution; if it is less than 12 years old, it will not be criminals.Express.

In recent years, the crime of minors has generally been on the rise. Some malignant crime cases have caused serious harm to the victims and society, causing strong public anxiety.According to data recently released by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, in 2023, the national procuratorate approved the arrest of 27,000 suspects of minor criminals and did not arrest 38,000;EssenceThe current situation of crime of minors is evident.

Legislative agencies follow the changes in the crime situation of minors. In December 2020, the amendment to the Criminal Law (11) reduced the age of criminal responsibility from 14 to 12 years old.The crime of intentional homicide, intentional injury, causing death or serious injuries caused by particularly cruel means, causing severe disability. If the circumstances are bad, criminal liability shall be liable for compliance with the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

It is this legislative adjustment that allows the three minor criminal suspects in the case to have greater possibility of prosecution.In 2019, the case of "a 13 -year -old boy in Dalian killed a 10 -year -old girl" was in accordance with the regulations at the time, the perpetrator did not meet the legal criminal responsibility age, and the police did not investigate criminal responsibility according to law and provided them for 3 years to rear.

At the judicial level, in March of this year, the highest prosecution clearly stated: "For minors who implement serious crimes, bad nature, and repentance, they are punished according to law and strict."It is foreseeable that the legal network for minors' crimes will become more and more dense.

But what is also not necessary to say is that the French Open is dense, and the "leakage fish" is still inevitable.Taking the legislative session as an example, the age of criminal responsibility has been reduced from 14 to 12 years. In only three years, it is unlikely that it will decrease again in the short term.This also means that the most deterrent criminal law for minors under the age of 12 cannot make efforts.

minors are the targets of special protection of law, but once they become the victim, their minor identity provides convenience for evasion of sanctions.How to achieve a balance between protection and blows tests legislation and judicial wisdom.

Criminal law cannot be exerted, and there are other laws; in addition to the law, there are other means.Preventing and reducing crimes of minors is a long -term, arduous and complex social system project. In addition to legislation and judicial organs, including family and schools participation, they play their own functions and assume their own mission.

But to investigate extreme cases that have occurred in recent years, we will find that the executor of each extreme case is not suddenly a "demon" one day, but a process from good to bad to worse.In this transformation process, family, schools, etc. often have different degrees of negligence and fault.

Taking this case as an example, it is reported that the victims of the Internet have long suffered three suspects for a long time.If bullying can be discovered and stopped as soon as possible, the final tragedy can be avoided, but the reality is that until the incident, the school is difficult to determine the fact that the facts of the bullying."

The case in this case is shocking and profound.And the reflection it brings to us should also be many.

Source/Beijing News Commentation/Editor of Li Shuming/Xu Qiuying School Division/Yang Xuoli