Recently, a "customer relationship maintenance table" has been circulated on the Internet.According to the contents of the form, a pharmacy in Dandong, Liaoning, paid the "customer situation maintenance costs" ranging from the heads of the Department of Medical Insurance Bureau and the Drug Administration of Kuangdian County and the Drug Administration in 2023.Upstream News (reporting mailbox: [email protected]) The reporter learned from the Propaganda Department of the Liaoning Province's Kuandian Manchu Autonomous County Party Committee that the local area has noticed this situation, and the authenticity of the information of the network is currently verifying the authenticity of the information.Examiner.

"Palendar Relationship Maintenance Table" circulating on the Internet.Network diagram

According to the "customer relationship maintenance table" circulating on the Internet, the company is called Dandong Kangda Pharmacy Chain Co., Ltd.This form lists in detail a number of units such as Kuandian Medical Insurance Bureau, the Drug Administration, the District Drug Administration Bureau, the Law Enforcement Branch, the Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau, Taxation and other units, the names, positions, and "customer and" customer and "customer and" customerLove maintenance "standard.The form shows that the amount of "maintenance" of each person is different from 500 yuan to 2,000 yuan, and the annual budget of 2023 is 34,000 yuan.

At the same time, the remarks in the table also record the work change information of some personnel.For example, a person's remarks show that the new job is responsible for medical insurance supervision.There are also two people's remarks show that "stopping the customer's situation this year."According to the form, the approval date is September 2023.

The Manchu Autonomous County is the autonomous county under the jurisdiction of Dandong City, Liaoning Province.Public information shows that the online form comes from Dandong Kangda Pharmacy Chain Co., Ltd., which is established in 2002 and is registered in Dandong.The upstream journalist has repeatedly dialed the contact number of the pharmacy and has not been able to connect.

On March 14, upstream journalists learned from the Propaganda Department of the Liaoning Province's Kuandian Manchu Autonomous County Party Committee that the local situation has noticed this situation and is still in the verification stage.According to the staff of the local propaganda department, it is currently verifying the authenticity of the online information information. If it is confirmed that it is true, an investigation will be launched immediately.

Upstream journalist Zhang Ying