"Live a good life with corruption is like eating free sugar. You can't feel sweet and suddenly lose your freedom.The debt trap you dug yourself, fill the pit with greedy money, and make up the more leaks, until they fall completely, let the organization disappointed, make their families shame, and make friends sad ... "Write in the tears of crying in the confession.

On March 12, the WeChat public account of the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection "Integrity Sichuan" issued a document revealed the detailed case of Xie Huaguo's crime of bribery.

Xie Huaguo, male, Han nationality, born in September 1973, native of Pyeongchang, Sichuan, joined the work in August 1993, and successively worked in Wumi Middle School, Win Shengzhong Middle School, Bazhong City No. 2 Middle School, Bazhong City Eunyang, Pingchang CountyThe District Admissions Office is the director of the Meteorological Work Office of Enyang District, Bazhong City.

In February 2023, Xie Huauo was investigated by the Supervisory Committee of Enyang District, Bazhong City for suspected serious violations of the law.Four months later, Xie Hua was expelled from public office for serious duties and suspected bribery crimes.In August 2023, Xie Huaguo was sentenced to three years in prison for bribery, and fined RMB 200,000.

Xie Huauo was investigated (picture source: integrity Sichuan)

Family from wage

From the identity of the teacher to the demolition cadre, it was the role model in the eyes of colleagues

Xie Huaguo was born in a working family. After graduating from a normal school in 1993, he was assigned to Teaching in Wumu Middle School in Pingchang County.As a teacher, he has excellent professional quality and outstanding teaching ability, and has achieved good results in municipal competition activities many times.Less than four years after joining the employment, Xie Huauo successfully transferred to the victory middle school and successfully realized his dream of entering the city.

In January 2013, the State Council approved the establishment of Enyang District, Bazhong City."It is the most proud thing to be able to participate in the construction of the new district, because it is a process that turns dreams into reality."

In early 2014, Xie Huaguo was full of passion and devoted himself to the construction of the new district, and took the initiative to ask for the first -tier work of land acquisition and demolition.From the educational education to the land acquisition, from the identity of the teacher to the demolition cadre, Xie Huauo became the role model in the eyes of colleagues.Starting from the new district, there are many things and strong work intensity, and work overtime until the early morning is the norm.At that time, he was responsible for land acquisition and demolition and demolition. In the work, he had strategies, suffering, and high efficiency. He was called "demolitionist".

Open the door of greed

Staging money to make money, collect multiple demolition households "thanks"

However, after watching people who are not as good as their own relying on the demolition "getting rich", Xie Huaguo has a longing for this "one -night wealth" life.In the end, he put down his last hesitation and worried, and began to stage a scene of the scene after another.

"The first negotiation reduced the standard, and the later negotiations returned to the normal standard. The demolition households thought they had received more compensation."The demolition households mistakenly believed that he took care of the scope of measurement and compensation standards in real objects such as houses, land, forest land, and fish ponds.

Once the door of greed is opened, it is out of control.Xie Huauo, who tasted the sweetness, has more and more reached out.

In May 2015, Xie Huaguo took the initiative to meet with the demolition households Yang Mou went to the teahouse to negotiate house compensation. After everything was negotiated and signed the compensation agreement, he consciously said to Yang: "Recently, the demolition for your home, busy, busy, busyAfter busy, I still put on my meals. "In this way, although Yang was reluctant, even if the demolition compensation had not been approved, but only met Xie Huaguo's requirements first, and gave him 20,000 yuan to indicate that he expressed his explanation of 20,000 yuan to indicate that he expressed his representation.grateful.

"Three -point fat" and collecting the money of the demolition households, Xie Huaguo was once uneasy and restless, but he always believed that he would not be unlucky.After a brief self -consolation, he did not resign to collect "thank you fees" ranging from 10,000, 20,000, and 30,000 yuan in demolition households.Essence

Dreaming of Dreaming Mansion Live Luming Mansion

As a guest, accept bribes of demolition households

Although there are many red envelopes, the amount is not large.At this time, Xie Huaguo was proud of the spring breeze, always thinking about making a lot of money, making fast money, and realizing the dream of driving luxury cars and living in luxury homes as soon as possible.At the beginning of 2016, Xie Hua Guo was recommended by relatives and relatives and contracted a project project. He needed a lot of capital investment and turnover. He didn't want to miss this rare opportunity to get rich.Therefore, he aimed at the demolition households.

"They are asking me, borrowing from them is also convenient to speak, and they will not agree to me, and they can even be repaid." Xie Hua Guo decisively contacted Xia, Chen, etc., the demolition households who were in the compensation negotiation stage.After simply explaining the reason for the borrowing, a tough attitude was revealed. Unsurprisingly, 300,000, 100,000, 50,000 ... A stroke of borrowing quickly accounts.

The money obtained by "borrowing" has made up for the funding gap that the Xie Huaguo project operates normally in the short term.However, long -term investment, it cannot be "returned" in the short term.In order to continue the "Dream of Fortune", Xie Hua Guo's old skills were re -applied and repeatedly "lended" to the demolition households.In this way, Xie Huaguo forcibly forcibly borrowed more than 1.1 million yuan from 15 households, and all the funds raised were put into its "fortune project".

accidents are always caught off guard.The project contracted by Xie Huaguo was unable to continue implementing due to the break of the capital chain."Well worse" is that at this time, the demolition households such as Xia, Chen, and other demolition households successively borrowed it and went to his unit many times.After the colleagues and more demolition households knowing his forced borrowing, he maintained a high degree of vigilance in his communication.Essence

Xie Huaguo, who rolled in the debt vortex, did not realize that he was in a critical situation, nor had he thought about cliffs.On the contrary, he tried everything to find money through various methods to prevent his "fortune project" from rot.To this end, he began to get involved in compensation for demolition in other areas, and he became a "guest" with peace of mind.

In accordance with the principle of "being able to fish for a stroke", Xie Huaguo cooperated with the demolished cadre He Mou and Yang (the two people had dealt with another case) to help others get benefits in physical compensation.In March 2017, the demolition negotiations between the two brothers of Li were as soon as possible, and Xie Huauo asked Xie Huaguo to help to coordinate and take care of the physical compensation.In order to make this "business", coupled with the area that was not responsible, Xie Hua found He Mou and Yang Mou "helped".In this way, Xie Hua Guo "took orders", He Mou's "running legs", and Yang "passed". The three were clearly divided into labor.In this way, Xie Huauo took the "benefits" as "benefits" as "middlemen" for more than 100,000 yuan.

In early 2018, Xie Huauo took the initiative to help the person in charge of the driving school to find the door in the compensation negotiations of the demolition school of a driving school and produce a report on the value appraisal of the demolition object.During the period, Xie Huauo continued to test the bottom line of the policy. On the surface, it helped the demolition household to obtain more compensation funds. In fact, he wanted to eat a piece of "fat" from the "super -value" compensation.Zero -cost investment and high benefits return, Xie Huauo soared all the way on the road of Dafa demolition.From 2014 to 2018, Xie Huaguo has received more than 550,000 yuan in property such as bribes, gifts and gifts.

Red Star News reporter Zhang Yang

Editor Guo Yu blame the editor -in -chief