"After the beginning of the year, there is no week after the start of the school, the child will ..." Recently, the news that the "three junior high school students and the killing of them and killed them" have attracted attention.According to the information of the Internet, a student Xiaoguang (pseudonym), a student of Fat Township, Handan City, has long been bullyed by three classmates in the same class and was killed by these three students on March 10.On March 13, the secretary of the Zhangzhuang Village Committee of Feixiang District confirmed that the information of the Internet was true, and the public security department had arrested three suspects.New Yellow River reporter called the old store police station of the Fat Township Public Security Bureau to understand the situation. The staff of the institute said: "The case is being dealt with."

Internet information shows that Xiaoguang Xiaoguang, a junior high school -long bullying classmate in Handan City, Hebei Province, killed him at about 5 pm on March 10th and buried the body on the south side of Beiying Village on the side of Beiying Village.In the abandoned vegetable greenhouse.

On March 13, a reporter from Xinhuanghe contacted the victim's father, Mr. Wang.He said that his child Xiaoguang was 13 years old and studied at a middle school in Feixiang District, Handan City.At about 1 pm on March 10, Xiaoguang told his grandmother that some classmates asked him to go out to play. The old man didn't want much to let Xiaoguang go.At 1:58 pm, because the old man went out, Grandpa also called Xiaoguang and asked if he needed to stay for him, and the child had answered the phone.But when he called him at 5 pm, Xiaoguang's mobile phone was shut down, and his family began to find someone in a hurry. He kept finding more than 10 o'clock in the evening, so he called the police.Police found through video surveillance that there were three other male students walking with Xiaoguang.At 2 am on March 11, the police and the village secretary asked the three students together, and all three stated that they had never seen Xiaoguang.

"At that time, I felt something happened in my heart. I quickly remedied the child's phone card and inquired about WeChat records. I found that the child WeChat had transferred one hundred yuan to one of the students. I immediately told the police that the police immediately told the police."Mr. Wang told Xinhuanghe reporter that under the evidence of monitoring video and transfer records, the three students said that Xiaoguang was buried in the abandoned vegetable greenhouse in the south of Beiying Village.

"When he saw the child's body at the scene, he found that the child's face was shoved by iron." Mr. Wang said with grief that three students of the 13th and four -year -old could be so ruthless, not only suspected of killing his son, Buried the body and destroyed the corpse.

"After the beginning of the year, there is no week before the child, the child will ..." Mr. Wang choked and told the reporter of Xinhuanghe that Xiaoguang was usually a very obedient, good temper, and good personality.It is very worry -free to clean up the housework.Mr. Wang also said that the child had previously said he was unwilling to go to school. "We thought the child was playful and did not take it seriously. Later, I learned that the child was bullied at school."

On March 13, the reporter of Xin Huanghe repeatedly called the school where Xiaoguang was located in order to verify the bullying situation, and no one answered.In addition, the reporter of Xinhuanghe was confirmed from the Zhangzhuang Village Committee of Fei Township. He said that the three suspects involved in the case have been arrested by the police.In this regard, Xinhuanghe reporters called the old store police station of the Fat Township Public Security Bureau to understand the situation. The staff of the institute said: "The case is being dealt with."

Reporter: Zhang Yanhui Editor: Zhao Xiaoxin School Division: Liu Tian