Zhou Qingyu, the former deputy president of the National Development Bank of China, was prosecuted by the procuratorate for suspected bribes and influence.

According to CCTV News on Thursday (March 14), Zhou Qingyu's suspected bribery and the use of influence and bribery, which was investigated by the National Supervision Commission.The review and prosecution, the Changchun People's Procuratorate has filed a public prosecution to the Changchun Intermediate People's Court.

The procuratorial organs accused, Zhou Qingyu used the convenience of the positions of the party committee, secretary of the disciplinary committee, and deputy governor of the National Bank of China, and the convenient conditions formed by his authority or status.It helps the company's operations, personnel arrangements and other matters, and illegally accepts other people's property, and the amount is particularly huge.

The procuratorial organs pointed out that after the departure, Zhou Qingyu used the convenient conditions for the formation of the power or status of the party committee and deputy governor of the National BankInterests, illegally accepting other people's property, huge amounts, shall be held criminally responsible for bribery and use of influence and bribery.

Public information shows that Zhou Qingyu, 62, has been working in the financial system.The executive deputy director of the group office, director of the Three Agricultural Business, and other positions.

Zhou Qingyu worked at the Bank of China in 2011 and served as Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Guohuang Bank.In 2015, he also served as the deputy leader of the third inspection team of the Central Committee.

Zhou Qingyu worked with Hu Huaibang, the former chairman of the National Kaixing Bank of China, who had fallen off in July 2019.

In July 2022, Zhou Qingyu was removed from the relevant positions of the National Bank of China. At that time, it was only two months before he retired from him.In May last year, the official reported that he was under review and investigation for suspected serious disciplinary violations. After half a year of investigation, he was expelled from the Communist Party of China and was arrested in December last year.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, the National Bank of China has continued to be a severe disaster -stricken area for financial corruption. So far, six senior officials have fallen.Since September 2021, He Xingxiang and Wang Yusheng, who have served as the Vice President of the National Truster Bank, have also disappeared.

Li Jiping, the former vice president of the National Kaixing Bank, who has retired for eight years"First Tiger".