According to the news of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province: Ding Kailu, a first -level investigator of the CPPCC of Zhaotong Municipal Committee, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and actively committed the case. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Zhaotong Discipline Inspection Commission.

Ding Kailu

Public resumes show that Ding Kailu was born in June 1965.He used to be the Deputy Director of Zhaotong City Industry and Commerce Bureau, Deputy Secretary -General of Zhaotong Municipal Government, Deputy Secretary of Qiaojia County Party Committee, County Mayor, Director of Zhaotong Civil Affairs Bureau, Secretary of the Zhaotong Municipal Party Committee Education Working Committee, Municipal Education Bureau Director, Zhaotong Vocational Education CenterDirector of the Management Committee, Director of the Education and Sports Committee of Zhaotong CPPCC.

On December 30 last year, Ding Kailu resigned as a member of the Fifth Committee of the CPPCC Zhaotong City and executive members.

On January 30 this year, Tao Yi, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhaotong Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Zhaoyang District Committee, was investigated for serious disciplinary violations.

During the National Two Sessions of this year, Feng Zhili, member of the Standing Committee of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Director of the Provincial Supervision Committee, responded to "a cadre participated in the warning education conference in the morning and took the initiative to invest in the afternoon."

Feng Zhili said that this shows that the deterrent effect of warning education has been well played, and it has also been alert to our cadres and can be lost to know.