Li Jiping, the former vice president of the National Development Bank of China on Wednesday (March 13), was informed to settle down, becoming the "first tiger" investigated after closing this week's "two sessions" (the annual meeting of the People's Congress and the CPPCC).Scholars interviewed and judged that after the Chinese official, after the important political agenda, it announced that the first "financial tiger" was investigated in 2024, which means that large state -owned banks will be the focus of the CCP's deepening of financial anti -corruption this year.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China released the news that Li Jiping was investigated on Wednesday. The "old finance", who had been retired for eight years, became the 10th middle management cadre who had been in the horse this year.Deputy Governor.

Public information shows that Li Jiping, who is nearly seventy years old, is from Dalian, Liaoning. He graduated from Liaoning University of Finance and Economics (now Northeast University of Finance and Economics).22 years.

Li Jiping joined the National Development Bank in 1994. He has served as the director of the National Development Bank Policy Research Office and the president of Sichuan Branch. In September 2008, he was promoted to the Vice President of the National Truster Bank.After retiring in January 2016, he still attended the public event many times. In December last year, he also participated in the Urban Construction Investment and Financing Forum held in Xianyang, Shaanxi.

State Bank established in 1994, which was funded by the Chinese government, and was directly under the leadership of the State Council to support the development of China's economic key areas and weak links. As of the end of 2022S $ 447 million).

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, this state -owned development financial institution has continued to be the severe stains in financial corruption. Six senior officials have been dismissed, including the former director of supervisors Yao Zhongmin being investigated in 2016 and sentenced to 14 years in the first trial.

Hu Huaibang, the former chairman of the National Kaixing Bank, was investigated in July 2019. He was sentenced to life imprisonment for more than 85.52 million yuan for bribery.judgment.

Since September 2021, He Xingxiang, Zhou Qingyu, and Wang Yusheng, who have served as the Vice President of the National Bank of China, have also disappeared.Zhou Qingyu and Wang Yusheng were investigated one after another in May and July last year. Before the disappearance of the two, the Central Inspection Team entered the country in April last year to start the two and a half months.

Li Jiping was a subordinate of Hu Huaibang and had worked with Zhou Qingyu and Wang Yusheng for several years.When Hu Huaibang was chairman of the State of the Bank of China, Li Jiping and Wang Yusheng served as the Vice President of the National Bank of China.

According to data from the official website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, from Hu Huaibang's investigation to July last year, at least 18 bank executives were investigated.

In addition to the leadership of the National Bank of China, many branches have been investigated recently.Since December last year, Li Gang, former president of Guizhou Branch, Zhang Chi, former president of the Jilin Branch, and Yu Zishui, the former president of Shandong Branch, have been dismissed.

The CPC Central Discipline Inspection Commission held a plenary meeting in January this year, requiring to continue to advance the struggle for anti -corruption, and named six fields including finance, state -owned enterprises, and medicine as a key area for deepening the problem of corruption this year.

Zhang Zhizhong, Dean of the School of Humanities and Socials, Taiwan Kainan University, was judged in an interview with the United Morning Post.It may be derived from this round of inspections.

Zhang Zhizhong expects that the Communist Party of China will continue to deepen anti -corruption in the field of capital density and resource enrichment this year. At the same time, it may also accelerate the replacement of a group of senior people who master resource decisions in the financial system to further prevent financial risks and promote reform.Protection.