Due to the 16 years of marriage, I found that all three children were not themselves. Jiangxi man Chen Zhixian brought his wife Yu and suspected "third party" Wu Mou to court.On March 12, a reporter from Nandu confirmed from a person familiar with the matter that Chen Zhixian and Yu had divorced, and the woman was out of the house; the relevant personality disputes were also concluded, and the "third party" was held accountable.At this point, Chen Zhixian's demands have been achieved.

The party Chen Zhixian.

On the morning of December 28, 2023, Chen Zhixian and Yu's divorce case opened in the court of Dexing City, Jiangxi Province. Related personality disputes were also tried on the afternoon of the same day.On March 12 this year, people familiar with the matter told Nandu reporters that both cases had been concluded.After mediation by the court, Chen Zhixian and Yu had divorced, the woman was out of the house, and the "third party" was also held accountable.Yang Anming, the agent of Chen Zhixian, and a lawyer of Beijing Zhongli Law Firm, also introduced: "The local government also actively acts, do a lot of work, reasonably and legally guarantee the legitimate interests of the parties Chen Zhixian, and realize the unity of legal effects and social effects."

Nandu previously reported that because of his experience on social platforms and hoping to "find justice" through legal channels, Jiangxi man Chen Zhixian attracted public attention.According to Chen Zhixian, he and his wife Yu met in 2007. He got a certificate on December 28, 2007. The following year, his eldest daughter was born, and he also raised two other minor daughters in the marriage.In March 2022, he found that his wife and another man Wu lived in a hotel, and then performed a parent -child test with the three daughters. The results showed that they were not his own life.For many years, he has worked abroad for a long time, and he did not know about it.

On December 28, 2023, Chen Zhixian complained that the two cases of Yu Mou and "third party" Wu began in order and did not hear publicly.According to Chen Zhixian's agent Yang Anming, a reporter from Nandu, the plaintiff first requested a divorce in the divorce lawsuit; secondly, due to the concealment of the woman, he and the three children were fraudulent support relationships, and the woman required the woman to return the relevant support costs;In addition, the case also involves issues such as the division of common property, debt treatment, children's custody, and psychological compensation.During the trial, Chen Zhixian also submitted a certificate and said that Yu had given birth to a fourth child, and it was impossible for him to be born.

Yu Mou and his family members once said that Chen Zhixian had a "domestic violence" behavior. Because his wife was not suffering from her son in her in -laws, the three children were big in their grandmother.In this regard, Chen Zhixian posted a video on his personal account and denied the claims of "domestic violence" and "heavy men and women".But he admitted that he had hit his wife twice. After the first time she discovered her derailment, the second time she found that she borrowed online loan.He said painfully: "I am a dad, and a uncomfortable son ... Although I am sitting on the plaintiff, this is also a trial to me."

Today, these videos are no longer visible.Chen Zhixian wrote in his personal account: "Everything starts."

Caiwan: Nandu reporter Hou Jingjing