On March 7, Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs, answered questions from Chinese and foreign journalists on questions related to "Chinese Foreign Policy and Foreign Relations".

Some reporters asked questions that after the election in Taiwan, the outside world was worried that the tension situation in the Taiwan Strait would be further upgraded and will impact the impact area peace and stability.Do you think the prospects of peaceful and unity on both sides of the strait are becoming dull?What do you think of the current situation in Taiwan?What measures should all parties take to avoid upgrading tensions?

Wang Yi said that elections in Taiwan are just a local election in China. The results of the election cannot change the basic fact that Taiwan is part of China is part of China.After the election, more than 180 countries and international organizations reiterated to adhere to the principle of China, support Chinese to maintain national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and fully show that a Chinese principle is already a common consensus of the international community.If there are still people who indulge in supporting "Taiwan independence", it is to challenge China's sovereignty.If individual countries insist on maintaining an official relationship with Taiwan, it is to interfere with China's internal affairs.I believe that sooner or later, everyone will see a "family portrait" photo of the international community that complies with the principles of the first Central China. This is just a matter of time.

Wang Yi pointed out that the "Taiwan independence" split behavior is the biggest destructive factor of peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait. To truly maintain the peace of Taiwan, we must clearly oppose "Taiwan independence".The more powerful the principle of China, the more secure the peace of the Taiwan Strait is.

Wang Yi said that our policy is clear, that is, continue to win the prospect of peace and unity with the greatest sincerity.Our bottom line is also very clear, that is, it is never allowed to split from the motherland.Who wants to engage in "Taiwan independence" in Taiwan will be clearly liquidated by history. Whoever wants to condone "Taiwan independence" internationally will definitely ignite and eat and eat bitter fruits.

Wang Yi pointed out that the bones and flesh on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are connected, and the national root cannot be separated. All the descendants of Yanhuang and all the dragons should uphold the national righteousness, jointly oppose "Taiwan independence", and support peace and unity.