Yi Gang, deputy director of the Economic Committee of the CPPCC and former president of the People's Bank of China, suggested on Thursday (March 7) to set up a real estate pre -sale fund insurance mechanism to allow real estate companies to use a certain percentage of pre -sale in accordance with laws and regulations.Regulatory account funds.

According to the China website, Yi Gang pointed out in Chinese financial work at the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference on the plenary meeting that it is necessary to strengthen the coordination and cooperation of other policies suchTake targeted measures.

Yi Gang proposed four measures.The first is to maintain positive fiscal policies and stable monetary policy in terms of total amount.

Yi Gang explained that active fiscal policies should be appropriate and intensive, quality and efficiency, and improve the efficiency of fiscal policy to improve capital efficiency and policy effects.Reasonable and abundant, under the current situation, we must adhere to the orientation of social financing scale and currency supply than the nominal GDP growth rate, and maintain the support of financial support for the real economy.At the same time, we must focus on solving structural blocking points and difficult problems. Active fiscal policy is more to improve people's livelihood and promote consumption tilt, give full play to the leading role of the traction of structural monetary policy tools, and guide financial institutions to increase small and micro enterprises.Support of green transformation and residential consumption.

Yi Gang said that the second is to effectively promote the overall society to increase capital investment.At present, there is no shortage of funds in the market, and what is lacking is the capital that can bear risk.From the logic of bank lending, if the corporate capital cannot come, the loan will not go up.At present, it is necessary to increase the investment and financing of social capital in a more important position, and deal with the relationship between the first -level market and the secondary market.

In addition, Yi Gang also said that in the Chinese financial system, commercial banks with more capital strength and information advantages are commercial banks.Therefore, large banks with strong capital strength choose one or two provincial branches to try to invest in hard technology startups by investing and loans in the table, and give flexibility in supervision and assessment.

The third point proposed by Yi Gang is that the real estate pre -sale fund insurance mechanism is recommended to allow real estate enterprises to use a certain percentage of pre -sale supervision account funds in accordance with laws and regulations.

He said that at present, the focus of the policy is to compact the main responsibility of housing companies and give play to the decisive role of market allocation of resources, and then it is the responsibility of compacting the local government and better play the role of the government.It is necessary to focus on supporting most housing enterprises, especially private heads, and housing companies, and continue to operate stable operations, focus on solving their liquidity difficulties, support housing companies to build buildings, and hand in the hands of buyers on time.

He recommends setting up a real estate pre -sale fund insurance mechanism, and the Central Finance or People's Bank of China will withdraw pre -sale insurance funds at 1%of the balance of pre -sale supervision funds each year., About 1.86 billion yuan), first considers three years (2024-2026), with a total of about 30 billion yuan in pre-sale insurance funds;It is estimated that about 1 trillion yuan of funds can be used immediately by real estate companies. If housing companies will have a bad tail building in the future, pre -sale insurance funds will pay the funds of the housing company as the upper limit.This pre -sale fund insurance mechanism can achieve the "four or two pounds of pounds" of funds, to a certain extent to help housing companies through difficulties, and strive to transition to the sales of existing housing for three years.At the same time, special audits are carried out on the use of pre -sale funds for housing enterprises to ensure that the pre -sale funds are used in compliance according to law.

Finally, Yi Gang proposed that efforts to promote high -level financial opening to ensure national financial and economic security.The Central Financial Work Conference requires that it is necessary to steadily expand the institutional openness of the financial sector, attract more foreign financial institutions and long -term capital to come to China Zhanye Industry, and create a first -class business environment for marketization, rule of law, and internationalization.At the same time, we must actively participate in the formulation of international financial governance and international financial rules, and propose a Chinese plan in relevant international cooperation.